Hello March
Hello Second Grade Families, Are you ready for the month of March? Here's to the month that comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. It will certainly be a wonderfully busy month with the blessings of Lent, St. Patrick's Day, and the beginning of Spring. It also will begin the final trimester of this school year. With that being said, your children and making great strides academically, socially, and spiritually. Because I am observing the class as a whole making positive behavioral choices, I am going to only be sending home a daily "March" behavior calendar and not the behavioral check list. Please simply check your child's March behavioral chart each day to see how your child's day went. Should any situation present itself, I will absolutely contact parents directly, so that we can work together as a team to assist your child. Thank you in advance for both your help and support. Please continue reading to discover all that will...