
Showing posts from May, 2018

Welcome to Camp Learned A Lot!

Hello Second Grade Families, Can you believe that we have reached the final four days of school?  I would like to begin by thanking each and everyone of you for all of your support and efforts as we navigated through the second grade together.  Thank you for your partnership and for making my very first year at ACS so wonderful!  My heart is filled with gratitude to have had the gift of teaching your children this year.  I will miss them dearly.  I greatly look forward to seeing you all again next year and in the years that follow. Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place inside our classroom and right here at ACS school! The students will wrap up their school year in a uniquely engaging way, the students will be experiencing a wide variety of camping themed activities!  Here are all of the learning activities that will be taking place this week! The students will: Create 2nd grade memory books Learn all about insects! D...

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Second Grade Families, I hope that all of the mothers of our second graders had a beautiful Mother's Day filled with heartfelt memories that you'll treasure forever!  God bless you Moms and god bless the gift of motherhood. Also, I'd like to say, "thank you" for all of the wonderful gifts and sentiments that you gave me during  Teacher Appreciation Week!  Your thoughtfulness truly warmed my heart.  The gift cards, handmade cards, the staff lunches, and the yummy treats made the week extra special.  My heart is filled with gratitude for all of the love you have shown me during my first year here at ACS.  Thank you!   Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place both in the second grade classroom and right here at ACS. ELA ~  Spelling ~ Longer words with Long Vowels a and i Grammar ~ Possessive Pronouns Writing ~ Opinion Writing  Target Skill ~  understanding characters, point of view, summarize ...

The Countdown Begins!

Hello Second Grade Families, The countdown to the end of the school year has begun and the children are greatly anticipating summer days filled with sleeping in, swimming, and vacationing with their families.  Yes, summer is right around the corner, and so, it will take some extra effort from all of us to assist the students in making positive behavior choices at school and giving their best efforts in finishing their year strong! Please have a simple conversation at home about behavioral expectations at ACS.  Thank you all for your support and efforts through out this school year.  It has been such a wonderful year at ACS and your children have been a treasure!  Please continue reading to keep up to date on all that will be taking place this week inside the second grade classroom and right here at ACS! Spelling ~ Diphthongs ow, ou Grammar ~ Possessive Nouns Writing ~ Opinion Writing (response paragraph) Informative Writing (Research Report ~ Famous S...