Let's Celebrate the Gift of Love!

Hello Second Grade Families,
This week is a 4 day school week as there is no school on Friday.  There is also no school on Monday due to it being President's Day!  Enjoy the extended weekend.  The second graders will be learning about the history of Valentine's Day and how it all began with a wonderful selfless saint by the name of St. Valentine.  This will allow the students to better understand why Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate our love for one another.  Below, you will find facts about St. Valentine.

Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place in the second grade classroom and right here at ACS.


ELA (Strong Communicators)
Spelling ~ Words with ar
Grammar ~ Commas in Dates and Places
Writing ~ Narrative Writing
Target Skills ~ Text and Graphic Features, Point of View, Questions

Math (Resourceful Learners)
The students will begin a new unit this week.  Unit 6 focuses on adding and subtracting to the hundreds place.  In class, the second graders will continue their math "sprints" to assist them in the skill of "automaticity" with their basic addition and subtraction facts.  Please note, that the second graders could use some extra practice in memorizing their subtraction facts.  There are many free websites and I-pad apps that can assist your child in memorizing their basic subtraction facts.
Below you will find some suggestions.
  • Sushi Monster (I-Pad app)
  • Splash Math for Second Graders (I-Pad app)
  • mathplayground.com
  • IXL
  • multiplication.com (click on subtraction games tab)
  • Also, don't forget that good old fashioned flash cards can assist your child too!

Religion (Active Christians)
The students will be learning all about the life of St. Valentine this week!

The students will also practice the Act of Contrition Prayer to prepare them for their First Reconciliation. 

The students will continue to learn about the properties of matter (solids, liquids, gas).

No School - Long holiday weekend  Feb 15 2019   
No School Presidents Day  Feb 18 2019   
Pep Rally for ACS Fun Run!  Feb 20 2019 at 02:30 PM  
End of Trimester 2  Feb 22 2019 

  • Read nightly for at least 15 minutes and log your reading!
  • Study your weekly spelling words for Friday's test!
  • If a child does not complete and return their homework on Friday, it will be reflected on our Class Dojo website, as well as, on the child's report card.  The child will also have to "clip down" in our classroom and give me four raffle tickets.  One ticket for everyday that they decided not to complete their homework.


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