
Showing posts from August, 2019

We're Ready to Roll !

Hello Second Grade Families, This week the students will officially begin their academic learning lessons.  In the second grade, the first few weeks of school were focused on our faith, rules, procedures, protocols, and learning skills.  These elements to education are essential in order for learning to successfully take place and it also helps to foster a  "Classroom Community."  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place within our second grade learning community and right here at ACS! ELA lessons for this week: Essential question that the students will answer:  What is a perfect pet like? Target Skills:  Sequencing events, Author's Word Choice, Infer/Predict Writing Focus:  Narrative Writing Grammar Focus:  Subjects and Predicates Spelling Focus:  Short Vowels Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List:   as, is, sandwich, picnic Math The students will continue to focus on data and understanding...

Buckle Up for Our First Full Week of School!

Hello Second Grade Families, Welcome to our very first full week of school!  Your children had a very successful first three days of school and we are off to a great start!  The student's supplies are all unpacked and organized, we covered a multitude of classroom procedures and protocols, and we focused on keeping Christ at the center of our day.  This week, the students will focus on Discipline With a Purpose skills.  These lessons were designed to assist students at Catholic schools to learn the need to listen well, ask meaningful questions, use positive social skills, how to share people, space, and time, and lastly, the importance of following instructions.  These lessons help children to apply and grow in their self discipline skills.  I'm sure your children may be sharing our lessons with you because Captain America assists us in "unlocking" our "Super Powers."  The "Super Power" of having self discipline!  Here's to a great week up ...

Are You Ready Second Graders?

S econd Graders L oving O thers T houghtfully and H appily ! Welcome to Our Second Grade Community! Hello Second Grade Families at Annunciation Catholic School!  Here's to a wonderful first day of school up ahead and to the new 2019-2020 school year!   What a blessing it is to be your child's second grade teacher this school year!  Please know that this site will serve as our weekly second grade newsletter.  Every Monday you will be receiving an updated newsletter that is sent directly to your "inbox."  So, please continue reading to discover what will be taking place within our classroom community and right here at Annunciation Catholic School.                In the second grade, it is critical to foster organizational skills.  In order to assist the students in becoming organized learners, every content area will be color coded.  Each subject will have the following designated co...