We're Ready to Roll !

Hello Second Grade Families,
This week the students will officially begin their academic learning lessons.  In the second grade, the first few weeks of school were focused on our faith, rules, procedures, protocols, and learning skills.  These elements to education are essential in order for learning to successfully take place and it also helps to foster a "Classroom Community."  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place within our second grade learning community and right here at ACS!

ELA lessons for this week:

Essential question that the students will answer:  What is a perfect pet like?
Target Skills:  Sequencing events, Author's Word Choice, Infer/Predict
Writing Focus:  Narrative Writing
Grammar Focus:  Subjects and Predicates
Spelling Focus:  Short Vowels
Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List:  as, is, sandwich, picnic

The students will continue to focus on data and understanding graphs.

Social Studies
The students will begin their geography lessons.                                                                             

These lessons will include:
  • how to read a map
  • the components of a map
  • identifying and locating the 7 continents and the 5 oceans of our world
  • identifying different types of landforms
  • applying knowledge to answer questions utilizing a map
  • designing and creating a map
The students will utilize their "Jesus Our Life" religion series to assist them in a better understanding of the Holy Trinity.

The students will also attend our school wide Community Prayer on Monday, August 26th at 8:10am.

The students will be going to Mass as a school community on Friday, August 30th at 8:10 am.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

Upcoming Events
  Early Dismissal at Noon, Staff meeting
  Aug 30 2019 at 12:00 PM
  Labor Day - No School
  Sep 02 2019 
  Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal K-5, No School 6th-8th
  Sep 26 2019 at 12:00 PM
  Parent Teacher Conference K-8, No School 
  Sep 27 2019

The students will need to prepare for their very first Spelling test which will take place on Friday, August 30th.
Please know that every child will be taught and expected to write their full list of Spelling words inside their agenda.
The students will be writing down their list every Monday morning after we take our Spelling pre-test.  
Next week, please expect your child to bring home a nightly reading log.  The reading logs are sent home every Monday and need to be returned to school on Friday's.  The children will be expected to read for 20 minutes each evening beginning next week.


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