
Showing posts from May, 2021

Welcome to the Final Week of School!

  Hello Second Grade Families, Welcome to the very last week of the school year! What a blessed year it has been.  Your children have grown academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.  It has been such a tremendous gift to have had each and every one of your children this year.  Please know that your kids will be dearly missed but have etched a permanent place in my heart.  Please know that by Wednesday of this week, your children will be bringing home their personal writing binders.  Inside your child's binder,  you will not only find their "formal writing samples" for this school year, but you will also find their final writing sample,  along with their final math assessment and final reading fluency assessment for this school year.  Also, this week, the kids will be enjoying a "Second Grade Camp Theme" for all of their fun learning activities.  It's going to be a fun and engaging way to end our final week together as a secon...

The Count Down Begins!

  Hello Second Grade Families, Welcome to the last two weeks of the second grade!  Hold on to your hats because these last ten days are going to be a whirlwind! Please continue reading to discover what will be taking place during this school week both inside our second grade classroom and right here at ACS. Homework Gentle Reminder:  Any second grade student that chooses to complete the final second grade homework of the school year will receive some extra credit points in their homework grade and they'll also have a little treat waiting for them this Friday, May 21st. Essential question that the students will answer:   What good things happen when people work together? Target Skills:  Understanding Characters, Point of View, and Summarizing Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing Grammar Focus:  More work on Adverbs and Possessive Pronouns Spelling Focus:  Long Vowels a and i Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List:   tray, try,  contain...
  Hello Second Grade Families, I hope that you all had a beautiful weekend celebrating the gift of "Moms" and of motherhood. There are three weeks remaining of your child's second grade school year!  Please continue reading to discover what we will be focusing on this week inside our classroom and right here at ACS. ELA Essential question that the students will answer:   How can you learn about animals that lived long ago? Target Skills:  Fact and Opinion, Author's Purpose, Question Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing Grammar Focus:  What is an adverb? Spelling Focus:  Words with oo Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List:   look, good,  crooked, bookcase In class, we have been focusing a great deal on writing properly.  Sentences begin with capitol letters, proper word spacing, spelling correctly and ending our sentences with the proper punctuation. The students are also learning how to type utilizing the website. Mat...

Welcome to the Month of May!

  Hello Second Grade Families, May has arrived and we are entering into the last four weeks of school.  During the month of May, your child's reading homework is "optional."  However, the students will have Spelling words to learn and that they will be tested on for the next three weeks.  Any child that chooses to continue their nightly reading utilizing an "Engage It" reading log and returns it on May 21st will earn extra points towards their homework grade.  I'll also have a simple treat for the kids who choose to continue their nightly reading for this month. Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place both inside the classroom and right here at ACS. Essential question that the students will answer:   How do some animals change as they grow? Target Skills:  Story Structure, Conclusions, Infer/Predict Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing Grammar Focus:  Contractions Spelling Focus:  Words with oo, ew, ue, ou Bonus...