Hello Second Grade Families,

I hope that you all had a beautiful weekend celebrating the gift of "Moms" and of motherhood.

There are three weeks remaining of your child's second grade school year! 

Please continue reading to discover what we will be focusing on this week inside our classroom and right here at ACS.


Essential question that the students will answer:  

How can you learn about animals that lived long ago?
Target Skills:  Fact and Opinion, Author's Purpose, Question
Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing
Grammar Focus:  What is an adverb?
Spelling Focus:  Words with oo
Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List:  look, good, crooked, bookcase
In class, we have been focusing a great deal on writing properly.  Sentences begin with capitol letters, proper word spacing, spelling correctly and ending our sentences with the proper punctuation.

The students are also learning how to type utilizing the typingclub.com website.

The students have completed all of their math lessons inside their "Go Math" textbook.  
The children have started learning basic multiplication concepts to get them ready for when they enter the third grade.  The students will also be able to practice their skills utilizing IXL during our class learning time.

Science/Social Studies
The students will be learning about natural resources and how they can become products that we buy.

The students will have another sacramental preparation lesson this week.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The second graders will continue praying for the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel per Father Chad's request.  All of the ACS students will be saying the prayer each time we attend Mass on Wednesday mornings.   The students have memorized the "Act of Contrition" and are prepared to say this prayer when they receive the holy sacrament of Reconciliation.   

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ P.E. at 2:25

                  Spanish at 12:00

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 2:25

Friday ~ No special area classes

Don't forget that your child has access to several academic computer sites to enhance their learning at home.

Here is a quick list to assist your child in their academic growth at home.

  • RAZ kids ( Your child may utilize this site to complete their nightly reading homework.)
  • IXL (Section Y which focuses on multiplication concepts)
  • Typingclub.com(Your second grader has been learning how to properly type!)
  • Class Dojo to review your daily points!

Upcoming Events

  • May 14 (Friday): Last day of school for 8th grade!  
    • Mass at 8:15 – 8th graders in dress clothes
    • All school 8th grade pep rally
    • 8th Grade Luncheon for students only 
  • May 16 (Sunday): All school Mass 8:30 am. Graduates meet in Ministry building at 8 am for their caps and gowns. Free dress on Monday if you attend in uniform!
  • May 18 (Tuesday): Dine Out Fundraising Barros Cave Creek.  See attached flyer for more information.  
  • May 19 (Wednesday): 8th Grade Graduation Mass at 1 pm. Graduates meet in Ministry building at noon.  All students and staff will attend. Graduates’ families are invited. Detailed information sent to 8th grade families.
  • May 20 (Thursday): Kinder Class of 2030 Parent Orientation. No students please. Google calendar invite was sent out.  Please RSVP.  If you did not receive an invite, please email office@acsphx.org and let us know. 
  • May 21 (Friday): Kinder Promotion 1:45 in the church followed by reception in the Ministry building (school office)  

Save the Date:

  • May 28 – End of year student awards. 11 am in the church. 
  • May 28 – Last day of school – Noon dismissal.  No after care.
  • June 21-25 – VBS registration at St. Gabriel’s is open.  Attached is the registration form.  Contact Patrick Klein with any questions childfaith@stgacc.org

The students have an "optional" nightly reading activity that will be due on May 21st.
All of the second graders need to study and prepare for their Spelling Test which will take place on Friday, May 7th.


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