It's ITBS Testing Week!
Hello Second Grade Families, This week your students will be taking the ITBS tests. The tests will be given on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the mornings. There will be no tests given after 11:15 am should there be any appointments for your children. Our final tests will be completed on Monday, April 4th. In order to best assist your child this week, here are some tips: Please have your child eat a substantial breakfast. A healthy breakfast boosts brain power! Do your best to have your child in bed on time. The students will need a full night's sleep. Let's do our best to have every student to school on time. The school day starts at 8:00 am sharp. Pack a healthy snack for your child, as they may be fatigued once our testing ends. Also note that there will be no homework , or spelling tests for this week due to testing. The students will also not have their regular ELA lessons. Writing The students will begin learning ...