It's ITBS Testing Week!

 Hello Second Grade Families,

This week your students will be taking the ITBS tests.  The tests will be given on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the mornings.  There will be no tests given after 11:15 am should there be any appointments for your children.   Our final tests will be completed on Monday, April 4th.

In order to best assist your child this week, here are some tips:

  • Please have your child eat a substantial breakfast.  A healthy breakfast boosts brain power!
  • Do your best to have your child in bed on time.  The students will need a full night's sleep.
  • Let's do our best to have every student to school on time.  The school day starts at 8:00 am sharp.
  • Pack a healthy snack for your child, as they may be fatigued once our testing ends.

Also note that there will be no homework, or spelling tests for this week due to testing.  The students will also not have their regular ELA lessons.


The students will begin learning how to write in cursive this week.


The students will continue focusing on geometry concepts and the partitioning of shapes.  

The partitioning of shapes is a fraction concept.

Once this unit is complete, the students will review money and time concepts.


The students will continue learning about plants.

Social Studies

If time permits, the students will begin learning about communities that are considered suburban, urban, and rural (farms).  The students will also learn about industrial areas.


  • The students will continue learning about the season of Lent.
  • The students will utilize their Jesus Our Life textbooks to focus on "Forgiveness."  
  • The students will continue to practice the Act of Contrition and we will begin learning this prayer to prepare the students for the sacrament of First Reconciliation. 
  • The students will be attending our all school Mass on Wednesday, March 30th at 8:15 a.m. inside  St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.
  • The students will attend the all school Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 1st at 2:20 pm.

Don't forget that every second grader has access to the following websites to assist them in the areas of Reading and Math

  • RAZ Kids (the students may use this site to complete their nightly reading homework)
  • Splash Math Learning (This site will assist your child in mastering mathematical concepts that are taught inside our second grade classroom.)
  • The students will continue learning how to type using our class set of Chrome Books this week utilizing the website.


There will be no homework for this week due to ITBS testing.

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ Spanish at 12:30 p.m. P.E. at 1:45 p.m. 

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 1:45 p.m.

Friday ~  There are no specials on Friday!

Upcoming Events

April 1, Friday:  Basketball game ACS Students with Fr. Chad will challenge our local Seminarians from Nazareth House Seminary and Fr. Paul Sullivan.  More details to come!

April 1, Friday:  Catholic Identity Committee will host the St. Gabriel’s Lent Dinner after Stations of the Cross at 6p.m. in the Parish Hall.  Please come fellowship with the ACS community and enjoy a nice meal (no charge).

April 6th, Wednesday: Annunciation Family Fundraiser at The Creek Cookies and Cream. 3 pm to close. The Creek Cookies and Cream will donate to ACS for all our ACS dine in and take out orders. 

Flyer attached. 28248 N Tatum Blvd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331

April 30, Saturday:   ACS Family Field Night (5:30pm – 7:30pm) at ACS. Dads Club welcomes all ACS families to join us for a celebration of spring and another wonderful year at Annunciation. Volleyball, basketball and soccer games for kids and parents, light food and refreshments with family fun. More details in the coming weeks.



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