
The Last Week of School Is Here!

  Hello Second Grade Families, The last week of the school year has arrived...and so, here's to making this last week together fun, special, and positively memorable!  Please know that we will be doing a lot of unique and engaging learning activities this week in order to keep the students learning in a more interesting and exciting way! ELA The students will be reading about space exploration for our final week of school.  The students will also   have space themed activities that coincides with what is being learned from our mini-space exploration readers.  This will be a cross curricular learning experience for your children.  The students will be applying their language arts skills while learning about space science content. Math The students will be wrapping up their lessons on data.  Our data lessons taught the students how to read and interpret graphs.  The students were also introduced to how to read and/or create a survey and then pu...

Let's Take A Moment to Stop And Smell the Roses!

  Hello Second Grade Families, There are only ten more days of school left!  Let's stop to savor these last few weeks of second grade.  Please know that your child will not have anymore spelling tests, or nightly reading homework.  Enjoy the extra family time and allowing your child to get a full night's rest. ELA Essential Question:  Why might a person from long ago still be important today? Grammar:  Choose Between Adjectives and Adverbs Spelling:  Long Vowels o and e Phonics:  Reading Longer Words with Long Vowels o and e Writing:  Opinion Writing The students will continue learning about how to properly write in cursive.  Spelling List :  seated  keeps  speed  seen  means  clean  groan  roast  bowls  crow  owe grown   green  snow    peace  below   Math   The students will be wra...

May is in full swing!

  Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Mother's Day to all of our wonderful second grade moms!  I hope that you each have had a beautiful day!  May is off to a busy start and your children are anticipating the gift of summer that's right around the corner.  Below are a few items to keep you in the loop about both school wide behavioral expectations and second grade academics. The students are required to have their shirts tucked in while school is in session.  Jackets are no longer needed as it is now warming up. The second graders will have a Spelling test this week, so make sure to have your child study in order to best prepare them for their test on Friday. There will be no more reading homework for the remainder of the school year! All of the second graders will soon be assessed on their reading fluency prior to exiting the grade level.  Your child's reading abilities will be communicated to you with your child's report card at the end of the school year...

The Month of May Has Arrived!

  Hello Second Grade Families, Welcome to the month of May!  This last month of school is bound to fly, and typically the children become more fatigued and excited for the end of the school year.  Please also know that this will be the final week for reading homework, however, the children will have a weekly spelling test for the next two weeks. Please continue reading this newsletter to discover all that will be taking place this week inside the second grade classroom and right here at ACS. ELA Essential Question:  What can you learn from reading a fairy tale? Grammar:  Possessive Nouns Spelling:  Words with ow and ou Phonics:  Words with ow and ou Writing:  Opinion Writing The students will begin learning about how to properly write in cursive. Spelling List :  cow  house  town  shout  down  mouse  found  loud  brown  ground  pound  flower...

Happy Belated Easter!

  Hello Second Grade Families, Welcome Back!  I hope that each of you had a blessed Easter and a wonderful Spring Break!             Please know that your children will have both a Spelling Test and Reading homework for this week.   However, next week will be our last week of having assigned reading homework, as I know that the children will be on the countdown until summer break and will be in need of some extra rest at home. It's going to be another busy week at ACS, so please continue reading to discover all that will be transpiring both inside the second grade classroom and right here at Annunciation Catholic School. ELA Essential Question:  How can you learn about animals that lived long ago? Grammar:  What is an adverb? Spelling:  Words with oo Phonics:  Words with oo Writing:  Opinion Writing The students will begin learning about how to properly write in cursive. Spelling List : ...

Welcome to Holy Week

  Hello Second Grade Families, Welcome to Holy Week.  In one week the gift of the resurrection will once again be celebrated.          Here's to a week of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  Three simple actions to honor and to bring us closer to our savior, Jesus Christ.  It's my hope that you each have a beautiful Holy Week, a blessed Easter Sunday, and a wonderful Spring Break.  This week will be quite unique for your children, and so, I have listed key changes and/or activities that will be taking place this week. On Monday, April 11th ~  The second graders will enjoy a STREAM lesson in the morning.  The students will also have two specials on this day, Art & a special Music class. On Thursday, April 14th ~ The students will be dismissed at noon. There will not be any child care on this day, so please plan accordingly.  This day will also be the school wide field day.  Please stay alert for m...