Hello September!

Welcome Back Second Grade Families!
I hope that you and your families had a wonderful four day weekend that was filled with fun, relaxation, and adventure!  Please know that this week your children will begin their ITBS testing.  However, both Tuesday and Wednesday will be days where the students will be "prepping" for their upcoming assessments.  Rest assured that I will teach your children how to correctly bubble their answer keys, how to take a test in the different content areas, and we will review the proper conventions of writing during our in class learning time.  Due to the ITBS testing, your children will only have Spelling homework for this week.  There will be no homework given for next week. Hopefully, this will allow your children to get some much needed rest.  Please continue reading to see what else will be transpiring for this upcoming week both in the second grade and right here at ACS!

Due to testing, the students will not have their regular Language Arts lessons.  Instead, the students will focus on Spelling, partner reading to assist in building fluency, and writing.

Spelling ~  Review of Consant Vowel Consonant (silent e) spelling words
Challenge Word:  continents

Writing ~ The students will learn about writing a narrative.

Reading Enrichment ~  Our class just ended our very first read aloud, Judy Moody was in a Mood.  Your children will be working on an "All About Me Collage" to enrich their comprehension of the story that we read as a class.  Please know that your children may want to collect various items to glue onto their "All About Me Collages."  Examples may be:  photos, magazine clippings,  stickers, small & simple objects, etc.  Please have your child collect their items and place them inside a zip lock baggie inside of their backpacks.  The second graders are sure going to enjoy this fun enrichment activity!

Math ~ The students will continue their learning on number sense and place value.

Religion ~ The students will learn about the Liturgical Calendar of the Catholic Church.

Social Studies ~ The students will continue and will soon complete their lessons on map skills.  
Here is the content that your children have learned about so far:

  • The seven continents
  • The five oceans
  • What is the equator?
  • What is the Prime Meridian?
  • The cardinal directions
  • What is a compass rose?
  • What is a legend on a map?

The Tech Corner
Don't forget that your child has access to the following websites to enrich their learning at home:
  • Spelling City(spellingcity.com) ~ This site will help your child in preparing for their weekly Spelling tests.
  • IXL ~ This site will assist your child in their math skills.
  • Your child's username and passwords to these sites are located inside their agendas.

Odds and Ends ~ 
  • Please send your child to school with a set of headphones that they can utilize during our computer lab time on Thursday's.  The headphones may be kept in your child's backpack, so they may use them both at home and at school. 

Upcoming Dates

ITBS Testing beginsSept. 6th through the 20th
Pie Meeting - Sept. 6th at 6:30 p.m.
Mass - Friday, Sept. 8th at 8:15 a.m.
Grandparent's Guild Meeting - Sept. 26th at 10:00 a.m.

  • Practice your spelling words to prepare for Friday's Spelling Test!
  • Please feel free to continue your nightly reading as it will build your brain power!  However, reading and logging it is not a requirement for the next two weeks due to ITBS testing.



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