"Fall Into Learning!"

Hello Families of Second Graders,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and that your 4 day weekend was nothing less than wonderful!  This week will be a four day work week and parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner.  Please know that your child will be coming home on Wednesday, October 18th, with their conference date and time. If for any reason the date and time does not work for you, please let me know as soon as possible, so that I can do my best to accommodate your situation.  However, also know that Friday, October 27th, is the specific date reserved for second grade conferences, and so my time will be very limited.  I greatly appreciate your partnership as we meet to discuss your child's strengths, gifts, and areas for growth.  I am greatly enjoying your children and your second graders are such a blessing!  

Homework will also look different for the next two weeks.  The students will have a "Saint Project" to work on at home and the project will be due on "All Saint's Day,"  November 1st.  The directions and expectations for this activity will be sent home on Wednesday, October 18th.  Due to this project, the students will only be required to read and log their reading each night for the next few weeks.

Please continue reading to discover what else will be taking place both in the second grade and right here at ACS!

Spelling ~ Consonant Digraphs (th, sh, wh, ch, tch)
Review words for spelling are: which and then
Challenge words for spelling are: catch and thumb
Grammar ~ Verbs
Writing ~ Informative Paragraph
Target Skill ~ Main Ideas and Details, Cause and Effect, Visualize

Math ~ The students will continue to focus on Number Sense and Place Value.  This week, the students will focus on place value to the 1,000's.

Science ~   The students will begin learning about human verses natural elements.  After these lessons are completed, the students will begin their lessons on animal traits, habitats, and characteristics.

Religion ~ The students will be introduced to "The Examination of Conscience" to begin preparing them for the sacrament of Reconciliation.  The students will also have lessons utilizing their religion texts and activity books.  The focus for this week's text book lessons are "Preparing for Our Savior."

The students will pray during a variety of times throughout our school day.

Odds and Ends ~ Please send your child to school with headphones that they may utilize during our computer time.  Also, please know that yellow "Friday Folders" are sent home every Friday.  Please empty the contents of your student's Friday folder, sign the blue sheet to document that your child's weekly work was received, and then send the yellow folder back every Monday in your child's back pack.  Thank you!

The Tech Corner
Don't forget that your child has access to the following websites to enrich their learning at home:
  • Spelling City(spellingcity.com) ~ This site will help your child in preparing for their weekly Spelling tests.
  • IXL ~ This site will assist your child in their math skills.
  • Your child's username and passwords to these sites are located inside their agendas.
Tumble Books (Portland, Oregon website)

Upcoming Dates
No School - Holiday  Oct 16 2017  
St. Gabriel Fall Festival  Oct 21 2017 at 04:30 PM 
Middle School No School - Parent Teacher Conference  Oct 26 2017  
No School K-8 Parent conferences  Oct 27 2017 


  • Read and log it!  All reading logs are due on Friday!

To honor "All Saint's Day" your child will be researching a saint that is assigned to him/her.  Your child will then complete a "Saintly Facts" poster which will be sent home with your child.  After your child completes their poster, they will need to create an artistic depiction of their saint using a water bottle.  Our "All Saints" project will be due on November 1st and they will be displayed outside of our classroom for the ACS community to enjoy!


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