Parent-Teacher Conference Week!

Hello Families of Second Graders,
This week will be a four day school week due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.  A reminder note of your scheduled conference will be sent home on Monday, October 23rd.  Please know that each conference will consist of 15 minutes.  This time is reserved for us to partner together in discussing the areas where your child "glows" and areas to help them "grow."  I greatly look forward to meeting with each of you this week to discuss the gift of having your child here at ACS!  Please continue reading to see what will be transpiring here at ACS and right here in the second grade for this upcoming week.

Spelling ~ Words that end with "ed" and "ing"
Review words for spelling are: mixed and sleeping
Challenge words for spelling are: teasing and knocking
Grammar ~ Verbs
Writing ~ Informative Writing Instructions
Target Skill ~ Understanding Characters, Author's Word Choice, Summarizing

Math ~ The students will begin a new unit in their "Go Math" series.  This unit will focus on basic facts and their relationships.  It will introduce the students to addition and subtraction skills!

Science ~   This week, the students will begin lessons on animal traits, habitats, and life cycles.

Religion ~ The students will continue to  learn and practice "The Examination of Conscience" to prepare them for the sacrament of Reconciliation.  The students will also have lessons utilizing their religion texts and activity books.  The focus for this week's text book lessons are "The Holy Family."

The students will pray during a variety of times throughout our school day.

The Tech Corner
Don't forget that your child has access to the following websites to enrich their learning at home:
  • Spelling City( ~ This site will help your child in preparing for their weekly Spelling tests.
  • IXL ~ This site will assist your child in their math skills.
  • Your child's username and passwords to these sites are located inside their agendas.

Upcoming Dates
 No School K-8 Parent conferences  Oct 27 2017  
 Scholastic Book Fair  Oct 28 2017 at 04:30 PM 
 Trunk or Treat  Oct 28 2017 at 04:30 PM


  • Read and log it!  All reading logs are due on Thursday!
  • Practice for your Spelling test that will be on Thursday!
  • Continue working on your "All Saints Project" that is due on November 1st

All Saint’s Day Project
Due:  November 1st, 2017
All second graders will be required to research the life of a saint that has been assigned to him/her.  After researching their saint, they will need to fill out their “Saintly Poster” with the information that they have learned about their assigned saint.  Afterwards, your child will need to create an artistic impression of their saint utilizing a water bottle.  Please see the picture below to assist you on how to help your child in creating their saint.   

Please feel free to use any crafting materials.  Examples include felt, construction paper, fabric, pipe cleaners, yarn, etc.  Please feel free to work on this activity as a family.  This is a wonderful time to discuss the lives of saints and what it means to be “saintly.”  The saints were ordinary people who chose to live extraordinary lives for the greater glory of God!   

Here are some web sites to assist your child on researching their saint.

Have fun with this engaging activity and see it as a time to connect with your child in the spirit of our beautiful Catholic faith!  May the saints guide you and may their spirits be with you, as you work together on this faith based activity.

Here’s to a blessed All Saints Day!


Mrs. Megan Connell
Second Grade Teacher
Annunciation Catholic School 


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