Happy Fall Ya'll!

Hello Families of Second Graders,
Welcome to the second week of November!  I hope that this month has brought many blessings to you and your family.  In the last few weeks, your children have been actively engaged in learning all about how scientists classify animals, animal habitats, and conservation.  In fact, the second graders enjoyed a read aloud titled, "Judy Moody Saves the World!"  In the story, the main character, Judy, takes charge of a project to get her classmates to recycle plastic materials in order to raise money to help the rainforest.  Judy's project is so successful that she and her classmates are able to adopt almost 100 trees to be planted in the rain forest.  Your kids loved the idea from this story so much that they are asking me if we can come up with a way to recycle plastic or aluminum materials, but they would prefer to "adopt an an animal that is on the endangered species list."  If any parents have any great ideas on how we can make this meaningful project work, the second graders and I would be most appreciative.  This project would certainly be living out our call to be "Thoughtful Citizens and Active Christians."  Thank you in advance for your help and input!  Please keep reading this newsletter to o find out what other activities will be taking place this week in the second grade and right here at ACS!

Spelling ~ Base Words and endings ~ s and es
Review Words ~ jets, frogs
Challenge Words ~  stitches, fences
Grammar ~  Compound Sentences
Writing ~ Opinion Writing
Target Skill ~ Conclusions, Author's Word Choice, Infer/Predict

Math ~ The students will focus on basic facts and their relationships.  Our current unit introduces the students to addition and subtraction.

Science ~   This week, the students will continue their lessons on animal traits, habitats, and life cycles.

Religion ~ The students will continue to  learn and practice "The Examination of Conscience" to prepare them for the sacrament of Reconciliation.  The students will continue to focus on the lives of the saints this week!

The students will pray during a variety of times throughout our school day.

The students will attend Mass on Friday, November 10th at 8:15 inside St. Gabriel's Church.

The Tech Corner
Don't forget that your child has access to the following websites to enrich their learning at home:
  • Spelling City(spellingcity.com) ~ This site will help your child in preparing for their weekly Spelling tests.
  • IXL ~ This site will assist your child in their math skills.
  • Your child's username and passwords to these sites are located inside their agendas.

Tumble Books (Portland, Oregon website)

Upcoming Dates

 Thanksgiving Break 
  Nov 22 2017 
  Lifetouch Class Pictures
  Nov 30 2017 at 08:00 AM
  Early Dismissal @ noon
  Dec 01 2017 at 12:00 PM
  Feast Day of St. Nicholas
  Dec 06 2017

Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”
Complete the reading comprehension skill review page.

Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”
Complete the math skill page.

Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”
Complete the  compound sentences skill page.

Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”
Complete the spelling practice page.

Don’t forget to have one of your parents sign your reading log and your agenda this evening!
Study for your Spelling Test which will take place on Friday.

Please note that the “High Frequency Words” will not be on our weekly Spelling test.  However, they are words that the students need to become familiar with, as they will assist them in their reading fluency and writing skills.  


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