It's Catholic Schools Week!

Welcome to Catholic School Week Second Grade Families!
This week is guaranteed to be jam packed with fun and engaging activities and service projects to recognize the blessing of a family, a community, educators, students, patriots, and clergy.  To show my gratitude for you, your students, and Catholic Schools, I will not be giving the students their regular weekly homework.  Instead, your children will only need to prepare for a "Catholic Themed" weekly Spelling test and the words should be written inside your child's agenda.  Please know that the list will only consist of 8 words.  Let's focus on enjoying  a little more family time each evening this week and embracing the fun days that lie ahead!  Also note, that due to the hectic Catholic Schools Week Schedule, our lessons will be concentrated in the areas of Social Studies, Science, and Religion.  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place this week in the second grade classroom and right here at ACS!

Here's the Schedule for Catholic School's Week"

The second grade is in charge of collecting travel sized deodorants for our military men and women!  Our mission is to collect 200!  Let's support our troops!!!

Sunday ~ "Celebrate the Parish" 
School Mass at 10:30 a.m. and Open House Celebration from 11:30 to 1:00

Monday ~ "Celebrate the Community"
Free Dress if you came to Mass and the Open House in uniform.
Invention Convention STREAM project will be worked on throughout the week.  

Tuesday ~ "Celebrate Students"
Crazy Socks Day!
Community Prayer ~ Fruits of the Spirit Awards at 8:05 a.m.
Thank you letter to Parents!

Wednesday ~ "Celebrate the Nation"
RED, WHITE, and BLUE Shirts with "Buck-O-Jeans" Day!
Scouts Flag Ceremony at 8:00 a.m.
Operation Gratitude Letters:  we will be writing letters of gratitude to active military officers.

Thursday ~ "Celebrate Vocations"
Uniforms with hats day!  "We take our hats off for those in Catholic Vocations!"
We will take time to celebrate our classroom saint today.  Thank you God for the gift of our second grade saint, St. Kateri.
A vocational speaker will be visiting ACS!  Please welcome Father John Parks!
The students will write letters of gratitude to Seminarians today.

Friday ~ "Celebrate Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers"
Mass at 8:15 a.m.
STREAM Invention Convention  Showcase Event from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Talent Show at 1:30 p.m.

Social Studies ~ The students will continue their lessons on our American history!  These lessons will be taking place throughout the entire month of January.  The students will be learning about:
  • American symbols and holidays
  • The 13 colonies
  • How the colonists dissatisfaction with English rule led to the Revolutionary War
  • The creation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
  • The three branches of government
  • The concept that America is a Representative Democratic Republic
  • The responsibility of voting
We have not yet experienced our STREAM lesson on polar bears, so, if time permits, the students will experience a STREAM activity in our classroom this week.  The students will be creating an igloo out of marshmallows and toothpicks.  The challenge is that the children will be given a paper polar bear that must be able to enter and exit from the top of its den in order to seek its food and bring it back to its habitat.

Religion ~ The students will continue to  learn and practice "The Examination of Conscience" to prepare them for the sacrament of Reconciliation.  

The students will also utilize their Religion text book to assist them in growing in their faith.  This week's lessons focus on taking time to understand what "We Believe" as Catholics.

The students will pray during a variety of times throughout our school day.

Don't forget that your child has access to the following websites to enrich their learning at home:

  • Spelling City( ~ This site will help your child in preparing for their weekly Spelling tests.
  • IXL ~ This site will assist your child in their math skills.
  • Your child's username and passwords to these sites are located inside their agendas.
Tumble Books (Portland, Oregon) website

Upcoming Dates
ACS Family Open House  Jan 28 2018 at 11:00 AM 
STREAM Event  Feb 02 2018 at 09:30 AM  
Talent Show  Feb 02 2018 at 01:30 PM

Enjoy a week off from your regular homework!  
Just study your spelling words for this week!  Here are this week's "Catholic themed" spelling words!  You'll notice that there are only 8 words to study for this week:)

  1. Catholic
  2. school
  3. faith
  4. serve
  5. saint
  6. angel
  7. St. Gabriel
  8. Annunciation


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