The Week of the Fun Run!

Hello Second Grade Families,
The students are on the countdown until our "Fun Run" on Friday and the second grade is doing a fantastic job in receiving pledges!  Thank you to each and everyone of you for your support of our ACS school fundraiser.  Every pledge gained will help to bridge the gap of school tuition.  Please know that it's not to late to register  your child on ""   Please continue reading to discover what else will be taking place this week inside of the second grade classroom and right here at ACS school.

Due to it being a short week and all of the "Fun Run" activities, your child will not have their regular Language Arts lessons this week.   There also will not be a Spelling test for this week. Instead, the students will focus on the following areas:
Grammar ~ The students will review commas in a series.  The students will also focus on words that begin with over (examples: overeat or overpay)
Writing ~ The students will create a formal narrative writing piece.

Math ~ The students will begin their lessons on 3 digit addition and subtraction.

Science ~ The students will have a STREAM activity this week.  The children will be creating a "ski ramp" in honor of the winter olympics!  The students will be expected to go through the design process of building their ski ramp (plan, design, create, test, and improve).
The students will continue to learn about the properties and states of matter (solid, liquid, gas).

Religion ~ 
The students will continue to  learn and practice "The Examination of Conscience" to prepare them for the sacrament of Reconciliation.  

The students will also utilize their Religion text book to assist them in growing in their faith.  This week's lesson will focus on "Making Up for Our Offenses."

The students will pray during a variety of times throughout our school day.

The students will attend "The Stations of the Cross" and Mass this week.

Don't forget that your child has access to the following websites to enrich their learning at home:

  • Spelling City( ~ This site will help your child in preparing for their weekly Spelling tests.
  • IXL ~ This site will assist your child in their math skills.
  • Your child's username and passwords to these sites are located inside their agendas.
Tumble Books (Portland, Oregon) website

 Upcoming Dates

  All School Mass
  Feb 25 2018 at 08:30 AM
  Mass with Bishop Olmsted
  Mar 02 2018 at 08:15 AM
  ACS Walk-a-thon
  Mar 02 2018 at 09:00 AM
  Early Dismissal, Staff Day
  Mar 02 2018 at 12:00 PM


Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”
Optional :  Please complete one "un-homework activity!"
Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”  
Optional:  Please complete one "un-homework activity!"

Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”
Optional:  Please complete one "un-homework activity!"
Please read for 15 to 20 minutes and write down the title of your book utilizing the weekly “Reading Log.”
Optional:  Please complete one "un-homework activity!"
Return your reading log and your five "unhomework" tickets to be exchanged for class raffle tickets!


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