It's a Three Day Week!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Welcome to Holy Week.  Your child will only have three days of school this week.  May your families all have a beautiful Easter.  Last week, your children all attended their Lenten Retreat at St. Rose Catholic Church in Anthem.  It was such a beautiful day for the children and for the adults too!  Thank you to all of our parent chaperones.  The retreat couldn't have taken place without your generous sacrifice of giving up your time to help the second graders.  Every child received a blessed rosary from Father Noel and each rosary was hand made for the children by a St. Rose parishioner.   What a treasure!  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place during this very sacred week.

Due to the shortened week, the students will not have any language arts lessons from the Journey's Reading series.  The students will also not have a Spelling test, any language arts assessments, or homework for this week.  Instead, we will be focusing on religion, science, and math.  
Enjoy some much needed family time throughout this holy week.

Science ~
The students will continue to learn about plants, the functions of each plant part, the life cycle of plants, and key terms that relate to plants and their development (roots, stem, leaves, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, pollination, conifers, etc.)

The students will also experience a STREAM lesson this week!  The children will be creating a "nest" out of toothpicks and jellybeans to house an Easter "Peep" candy.  this STREAM activity allows the children to understand why birds build nests.

Also, here are some pictures of the "Butterfly Garden" that the second graders created last week.  Every child planted a flower for our classroom caterpillars that will soon be metamorphosing into butterflies!  Every student was even able to paint flowers around the perimeter of our butterfly garden thanks to the help of  our fantastic art teacher, Mrs. Himmelein.  Our kindergarten teacher, Ms. Neal,  also had her kindergarteners release their butterflies into the garden after we had completed our painting and planting.  It was a beautiful Friday morning! 

Religion ~ 

The students will pray during a variety of times throughout our school day.

The students will attend "The Stations of the Cross" and Mass this week.

The students will attend and receive Reconciliation at St. Gabriel's on Tuesday morning at 9:50am.

The students will be leading Community Prayer to celebrate the Fruits of the Spirit on Tuesday morning at 8:05am.

Math ~ The students will continue their lessons on time and money.

  • IXL ~ This site will assist your child in their math skills.
  • Your child's username and passwords to these sites are located inside their agendas.

Upcoming Dates

No School - Holy Thursday  Mar 29 2018  
No School - Good Friday  Mar 30 2018   
Easter Break  Apr 02 2018   

There will be no homework for this week!  My Lenten gift to your families!  Enjoy your family time.


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