Our First School Rosary!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Our very first all school rosary will take place on Monday, September 10th at 2:20 p.m.
inside St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.  It will be a wonderful way to begin our school week and to end our Monday.  Rosaries will be provided for every child, however, if your child would like to bring their very own rosary please feel free to do so.  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place both inside the second grade classroom and right here at ACS school.  
Have a blessed week!

Spelling ~ Long Vowels a and i
Grammar ~ Types of Sentences
Writing ~ Narrative Writing (Sentences that Describe)
Target Skills ~ Compare and Contrast, Author's Purpose, Analyze/Evaluate

The students will continue their lessons on even and odd numbers, understanding place value, and problem solving.

Social Studies ~  The students will continue their lessons on map skills and they will then navigate into learning about landforms.  
Here is the content that your children are focusing on: 
  • Identifying and locating the seven continents
  • Identifying and locating the five oceans
  • Cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west)
  • Reading maps
The students will focus on "God Made Us" utilizing the
Jesus, Our Life Religion series.

The students will attend our school wide, Rosary on Monday, September 10th.

The students will attend our all school Mass on Friday, September 14th.

The students will pray during a variety of times through out the day. 

Upcoming Dates  
Chess Club   Sep 12 2018 at 03:10 PM  
Chess Club   Sep 19 2018 at 03:10 PM  
Chess Club   Sep 26 2018 at 03:10 PM 

The students will read nightly and log their reading utilizing the reading log that has been provided inside their homework packets.  The students will also complete a nightly homework assignment that reiterates what was taught in class.  All homework assignments are due on Friday.

Second Grade Homework for the Week of September 10th
All homework assignments are due on September 14th

Monday ~ 
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet.
  • Complete the types of sentences skill sheet

  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet.
  • Complete the Sept. 11th comprehension skill sheet

Wednesday ~
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet
  • Complete the math skill sheet

Thursday ~
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet
  • Complete the spelling practice sheet!
Don’t forget to have one of your parents sign your agenda this evening!

Parents, please note that your child’s spelling words for this week are on their reading log and should also be written inside their agendas.  Also note, that there is a list of High Frequency words.  The High Frequency Words are not on your child’s spelling test.  However, they are words that they need to learn to read and are focused on each week in our Journeys reading series.


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