Parent ~ Teacher Conferences

Hello Second Grade Families,
Our Parent-Teacher Conferences are right around the corner.  Please know that I have been creating a tentative schedule for the conferences that are to take place on Thursday, September 27th and Friday, September 28th.  Once the tentative schedule is complete, I will e-mail you a copy.  I am hoping to have it sent to you by tomorrow. However, if the day and or time of the conference will not work with your schedule, I am available to meet after school on Monday the 24th, Tuesday, the 25th, Wednesday the 26th, and Thursday the 27th.  However, please know that my schedule is limited due to time constraints and having 24 wonderful families in which to conference with.  Please check your child's homework folders by Tuesday, September 18th for your family's scheduled conference time.  If the time that is scheduled does not work with your schedule, please contact me as soon as possible and I will do what I can to change the date and time.  Thank you in advance for your patience, efforts, and flexibility as we iron out the final conference schedule.  I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss your child's strengths and areas in which to grow.  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place this week both inside our classroom and right here at ACS.

Spelling ~ Long Vowels o, u, and e
Grammar ~ What is a noun?
Writing ~ Narrative Writing 
Target Skills ~ Cause and Effect, Figurative Language, Summarize

The students are going to begin unit 2 in their Go Math series!  This unit focuses on place value to the thousands.

Social Studies ~  The students will be focusing on reading maps this week!  We also hope to begin learning about landforms. 

The students will focus on "Becoming a Child of God" utilizing the
Jesus, Our Life Religion series.

The students will attend our all school Mass on Friday, September 21st.

The students will pray during a variety of times through out the day. 

Upcoming Dates  

Chess Club 
  Sep 19 2018 at 03:10 PM
  Chess Club 
  Sep 26 2018 at 03:10 PM
  No School for Middle School only - Parent Teacher Conferences
  Sep 27 2018 
  Early dismissal K-5 at Noon - Parent Teacher Conferences
  Sep 27 2018 at 11:00 AM

The students will read nightly and log their reading utilizing the reading log that has been provided inside their homework packets.  The students will also complete a nightly homework assignment that reiterates what was taught in class.  All homework assignments are due on Friday.

Second Grade Homework for the Week of September 17th
All homework assignments are due on September 21st
Monday ~ 
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet.
  • Complete reading on spiders and then complete the spiders facts skill sheet

  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet.
  • Go on a nouns hunt around your house!  List all of the people, places, and things that you see inside or outside of your home!

Wednesday ~
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet
  • Complete the math skill sheet

Thursday ~
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet
  • Complete the spelling practice sheet!
Don’t forget to have one of your parents sign your agenda this evening!

Parents, please note that your child’s spelling words for this week are on their reading log and should also be written inside their agendas.  Also note, that there is a list of High Frequency words.  The High Frequency Words are not on your child’s spelling test.  However, they are words that students need to learn to read and are focused on each week in our Journeys reading series.


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