Autumn Blessings!

Hello Wonderful Families of Second Graders,
The gift of Autumn is everywhere!  The weather has been beautiful, every store you visit has pumpkin flavored treats, and your children are eagerly anticipating Trunk-or-Treat and Halloween!  I hope that the long extended weekend allowed your family to find time to enjoy the blessing of Autumn and all the treasures this season brings.  This week, the second graders are going to begin another formal writing sample.  This writing piece will focus on informational writing.  Your children's topic will be to write a series of directions on "How to Carve a Pumpkin."  It is another busy week in the second grade, so please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place in our classroom and right here at ACS.


ELA (Strong Communicators)
Spelling ~ Consonant Digraphs th, sh, wh, ch, tech
Grammar ~ What is a Verb?
Writing ~ Informative writing (How to Carve a Pumpkin)
Target Skills ~ Main Ideas and Details, Cause and Effect, Visualize

Math (Resourceful Learners)
The students will begin unit 3 from our Go Math series!  This unit focuses on basic addition and subtraction facts.  Please know that your children have access to IXL and can practice their basic math facts on line at home to assist them in mastering their basic math facts.  Your child's IXL information is located inside the front cover of your child's agenda.   Every child received their IXL username and password on a bright yellow slip of paper and it was stapled to the front cover inside their planner.

Science(Thoughtful Citizens and Active Christians)
The students will begin learning all about animals.  Key concepts that the students will be focusing on are:
  • animal traits/characteristics
  • animal habitats
  • life cycles
  • wildlife conservation
Religion (Active Christians)
The students will focus on "God Gives Us His Laws" utilizing the
Jesus, Our Life Religion series.

The students will pray during a variety of times through out the day. 

The students will attend our all school Mass on Friday, October 19th.

Chess Club ~ Oct. 17th at 3:10pm
Chess Club ~ Oct. 24th at 3:10pm
Early Dismissal ~ Staff Day Oct. 26th
Trunk or Treat ~ Oct. 27th at 5:00pm


Monday~  Fall Break!  No School today!

  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet.
  • Begin working on your imaginary “Storm” brochure.  This activity will probably take you two nights to complete.  The second graders get to use their imaginations and create an imaginary storm trifold.  This activity compliments our Journey’s reading selection for this week that is titled, “Super Storms.”

Wednesday ~
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet
  • Complete your imaginary storm brochure this evening.  

Thursday ~ 
  • Read for 15 minutes and log your reading on the handout that is located inside your homework packet
  • Complete the ABC order Spelling skill sheet to help prepare you for this week’s spelling test!
Please return your homework on Friday!

Don’t forget to have one of your parents sign your agenda this evening!

Parents, please note that your child’s spelling words for this week are on their reading log and should also be written inside their agendas.  Also note, that there is a list of High Frequency words.  The High Frequency Words are not on your child’s spelling test.  However, they are words that students need to learn to read and these words are focused on each week in our Journeys reading series.



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