Happy Catholic Schools Week!

Happy National Catholic Schools Week!
This week will center around celebrating the gift of receiving a Catholic education!   What a blessing it is for children to experience a Christ centered education.  An education that chooses to meet the needs of the whole child.  Your children have an exciting learning adventure ahead of them this week,  so please continue reading this newsletter to discover all that will be taking place in our second grade classroom and right here at ACS,

Catholic Schools Week Calendar of Events:

Monday ~ Celebrate the Community
Free Dress Day!

Tuesday ~ Celebrate Students
Community Prayer
It is crazy sock day!

Wednesday ~ Celebrate Vocations
Vocational guest speakers will be visiting.  It's also vocation dress up day!  Your child must wear their school uniform, but they may add a prop for what profession they may want to do as an adult.

Thursday ~ Celebrate the Nation
Buck -O-Jeans Day!
The students may wear red, white, and blue shirts with jeans if they bring a $1.00!

Friday ~ Celebrate Faculty, Staff, & Volunteers
The students will have a bible based STREAM Event and they will enjoy the school Talent Show!

ELA (Strong Communicators)
Spelling ~ Long i
Grammar ~ Subject-Verb Agreement
Writing ~ Narrative Writing
Target Skills ~ Sequence of Events, Formal and Informal Language, Visualize

Math (Resourceful Learners)

The students will continue their learning from chapter 5 in their "Go Math" learning series.  This unit will focus on double digit subtraction with and without regrouping. In class, the second graders have begun math "sprints" to assist them in the skill of "automaticity" with their basic addition and subtraction facts.

Religion (Active Christians)
The students will be focusing on one of Christ's parables.  It will be the parable of The Lost Sheep.
In fact, your children will be experiencing a STREAM  lesson that will center around this parable.  The children's STREAM challenge will require them to engineer a sheep with moveable parts.  The children will also design a sheep fold that has moveable parts for their sheep.

Community Prayer takes place on Tuesday, January 29th at 8:10 am.  We will be celebrating the fruit of "gentleness."

All students will attend Mass on Friday, February 1st at 8:15am.

Social Studies (Thoughtful Citizens)
The students will be completing their lessons about our American History and about the Three Branches of the American Government.  
Here are the main focuses of our lessons.
  • The thirteen colonies 
  • The American Constitution
  • The Three Branches of Government
  • The idea that our country was founded as a representative, constitutional, democratic republic
  • American Symbols
Catholic Schools Week Begins - Open House/All School Mass
Jan 27 2019 ~ 10:30 AM

PIE Meeting ~ Feb 06 2019 at 08:15 AM
  Early Dismissal @ Noon - Staff meetings ~ Feb 08 2019 at 12:00 PM

  • Read nightly for at least 15 minutes and log your reading!
  • Study your weekly spelling words for Friday's test!
  • If a child does not complete and return their homework on Friday, it will be reflected on our Class Dojo website, as well as, on the child's report card.  The child will also have to "clip down" in our classroom and give me four raffle tickets.  One ticket for everyday that they didn't do their homework.



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