Happy New Year!

Welcome Back Second Grade Families!
Happy New Year and welcome to the chilly month of January!  I hope that you and your loved ones had a blessed Christmas and a wonderfully relaxing Christmas Break.  To allow your children time to acclimate to being back in school, we will not be having any homework for this week.  Next week, we will get back to our full learning schedule which will include reading nightly, logging the reading, and preparing for a spelling test.  However, our week will be full of many engaging learning activities and we will be focusing extra attention to behavior expectations for the second half of our school year and this is where the students will be introduced to "Class Dojo."  Every child will be coming home with a Class Dojo parent letter on Tuesday that will allow you to log into this highly engaging behavioral website for kids.  Thank you for all of your support and efforts as we plunge into this second half of the school year together.  Please continue reading to discover what is planned for this first week back from our Christmas Vacation.


The students will be reading an exemplary text from our Journey's reading series that is titled, Poppleton in Winter. The students will complete follow up learning activities from this text.

The students will begin chapter 5 in their "Go Math" learning series.  This unit will focus on double digit subtraction with and without regrouping. In class, the second graders will also begin math "sprints" to assist them in the skill of "automaticity" with their basic addition and subtraction facts.

The students will be learning from our "Jesus Our Life" textbook this week.  
The lessons that we will be focusing on are:
  • The Holy Family
  • The Good News
The students will also attend Mass on Friday, January 11th at 8:15 am.


The students will be studying the lives of polar bears this week.  On Friday, the students will have a STREAM lesson where they must build a polar bear cut out, a den,  using toothpicks and marshmallows.  Furthermore, the students must create the den, so that the polar bear can get in and out of its den, yet provide it full protection from the harsh weather they live in.  This activity will assist the children in better understanding the purpose behind why polar bears build dens.

  Christmas Break - Classes resume Jan. 8  
  No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday  Jan 21 2019   
  Annual State of the School meeting  Jan 23 2019 at 06:00 PM  
  Evening Under the Stars   Jan 26 2019 at 06:00 PM

The students will not have any homework for their first week back to school from our Christmas vacation.


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