It's ITBS Time!

Hello Second Grade Families,
This week, your children will begin taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.  Our mornings for the next few weeks, will be spent completing sections of the Iowa tests to measure our strengths and our areas for growth.  Please read the information found below to ensure that your child is ready each day for testing.
  • Get a good night's rest!  Second graders typically need 10 hours of sleep each night.
  • Eat a healthy and filling breakfast!  Healthy foods provide children with brain power and are a good source of energy.  Sugary cereals and drinks create hyperactivity and a lack of focus power in children.
  • Pack filling and nutritious snacks for our daily morning breaks.  The testing will require the children to completely focus throughout the morning.
  • The second graders will be testing every day at around 8:30 am.  Please be on time!
Also know, that the second graders will not have their typical homework for the next few weeks.  Instead, your child is going to be assigned a person that made a specific contribution to our world in the area of science.  Each child will be given a biographical book to read each night for the next few weeks.  The books are from my personal collection, so please have your child treat it with care and return it upon its completion.  Every child will also be given a simple handout to fill out facts about their assigned scientist.  Once all of the children complete their books and return their facts sheet, they will write a research report on their specific scientist during our class time.    The books and the handout will be given to the students on Monday, April 1st.
 The books and the facts sheet will be due on April 15th.

ELA(Strong Communicators)
Due to testing, the students will not have their regular language arts lessons and this includes reading from our Journey's series.  The students will also not have a Spelling test for this week.

Math (Resourceful Learners)
The students will continue their learning in Unit 7.  This unit focuses on money and time concepts.
In class, the second graders will continue their math "sprints" to assist them in the skill of "automaticity" with their basic addition and subtraction facts.    Don't forget that there are many free options online to assist your child in memorizing their basic subtraction facts. 

Religion (Active Christians)
The students will continue learning the following religious concept utilizing the Jesus Our Life religion series.
  • The Good Shepherd
The students will attend an all school rosary on Monday, April 1st.
The students will attend an all school Mass on Friday, April 5th at 8:15am.
The students will attend an all school "Stations of the Cross," on April 5th at 2:20pm. 

The students will continue their lessons on plants and their life cycles. 
We are going to have so much fun learning all about plants!

ITBS Testing begins grades 2 - 8 ~ April 2nd at 8:30am

Mother Son Event ~ Apr 06 2019 at 01:00 PM
 Early Dismissal @ 12 p.m. ~ Apr 18 2019 at 12:30 PM
Good Friday - No School, Easter break begins ~ Apr 19 2019 

Begin reading your biographical book about a person who contributed to our world in the area of science.  Complete your facts sheet while you are reading.  The books and the facts sheet are due April 15th. 


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