Hello April!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Happy April!  Your children worked so diligently during our ITBS testing last week.  I am very proud of how focused they were during the course of our testing time.  Luckily, we only have two more sections of the ITBS test left, and so, all of the second graders will have completed our required standardized testing by the end of the day on Tuesday, unless they were absent last week.  All of the children who missed any day of school last week, will have their testing finished by the end of this week.  Thank you all for your support and efforts in regards to our testing.  Please know that due to testing, we will not have our regular homework assignments,  Instead, every second grader should be reading their biography on an individual who made a scientific contribution that made a difference in our world.  The students should also be filling out their "Biography Facts" handout that was sent home last Monday.  The Biography Facts sheet is due on April 15th.  However, the second graders will be having their regular spelling test on Friday, April 12th.  Our spelling "Pretest" will be taken on Tuesday, and the list of words will be located inside your child's agenda when they arrive home on Tuesday.
Please continue reading to discover what else will be taking place this week inside our second grade classroom and right here at ACS.


ELA (Strong Communicators)
Spelling ~ words with aw, ai, o
Grammar ~ More irregular Action verbs
Writing ~ Research Report
Target Skills ~ Text and Graphic Features, Cause and Effect, Monitor/Clarify

Math (Resourceful Learners)
The students will continue their learning in Unit 7.  This unit focuses on money and time concepts.

Religion (Active Christians)
The students will continue learning the following religious concept utilizing the  
Jesus Our Life religion series.

  • The Good Shepherd

The students will attend our all school Mass on Friday, April 12th.  
The students will attend our all school Stations of the Cross on April 12th.

Science(Resourceful Learners and Active Christians)
The students will begin their lessons on plants and their life cycles. We are going to have so much fun learning all about plants!
Here are some of the activities that are planned for the second graders.
  • The students will be planting seeds in the garden out on our playground to compliment our lessons on plants.
  • The students will also be watching the development and life cycle of caterpillars into butterflies. 
  • To complete our lessons, the students will hopefully release the butterflies into our butterfly garden and we will dedicate the activity to our classroom saint, St. Kateri because St. Kateri is the patron saint of nature.  This is our service project to honor our classroom saint.

 TBS Testing begins grades 2 - 8
Begins Apr 02 2019 at 08:00 AM
Early Dismissal @ 12 p.m. 
Apr 18 2019 at 12:30 PM
Good Friday - No School, Easter break begins 
Apr 19 2019
Easter Break 
Apr 22 2019 

Continue reading your biographical book about a person who contributed to our world in the area of science.  Complete your facts sheet while you are reading.  The books and the facts sheet are due April 15th.     


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