Hello Autumn!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Can you believe that we have arrived in the season known as Fall?  May you each savor all of the joy that only Autumn can bring.  The gift of cooler weather, Halloween, All Saint's Day, and Thanksgiving!  Not to mention all of the yummy pumpkin flavored treats!  I also wanted to take a moment to say, "thank you" for attending our parent-teacher conferences last week.  Your partnership, support, and efforts are truly a blessing and appreciated.  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place this week in the second grade and right here at ACS.


Essential question that the students will answer:  
What are animal homes like?
Target Skills:  Text and Graphic Features, Using Context, and Questions
Writing Focus:  Informative Writing
Grammar Focus:  More Plural Nouns
Spelling Focus:  Common Final Blends
Review and Challenge Words:  slip, climb, drive, price

The students will begin studying Place Value and Addition concepts.

Social Studies
The students will continue their geography lessons.                                                                             

These lessons will include:

  • how to read a map (lesson completed)
  • the components and parts of a map (lessons completed)
  • identifying and locating the 7 continents and the 5 oceans of our world (lessons completed)
  • identifying different types of landforms(currently being taught)
  • applying knowledge to answer questions utilizing a map (lessons completed)
  • designing and creating a map (activity completed)
The students will utilize their Jesus Our Life religion series to focus on the following concept:  
Obeying God Our Father

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will attend our school wide Community Prayer on Monday, September 30th at 8:10am.

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, October 4th.

Upcoming Events
No School - Diocesan Educator's Day
Oct 11 2019

No School - Fall Break
Oct 14 2019

P.I.E. General Meeting
Oct 15 2019 at 06:30 PM

Early Dismissal at Noon - Staff Meeting
Oct 25 2019 at 12:00 PM

Weekly Parent Tip:
Are you looking for a website that can provide you with insights and resources to help guide you on your child's development?  I have used this website to assist in raising my own children and have found it to be a wonderful resource. The best part about this site is that it is absolutely FREE!!!  The site is called Greatschools.org                                    Below, you will find the link to this site should you wish to visit it, and/or sign up to receive free newsletters in your personal email account.


The students are expected to read nightly for 15 to 20 minutes and to complete a simple reading log.        
All reading logs are due on Friday.  If a child does not return their homework on Friday, the consequence will be to "clip down" on our behavior chart and forfeit a raffle ticket.

Here is the link to "Tumble Books," should you wish to have your child utilize this free site to read nightly.


The students will need to study for their weekly Spelling test that will take place on Friday.
Beginning this week, any child that receives a 100% on their Spelling Pre-test will be given a "Challenge" list of words to practice for the week and they will be tested on their more challenging words on Friday.


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