Fall Blessings!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Let's begin this newsletter by celebrating all of the growth we are making as a second grade class this first trimester!
The second graders are learning:

  • How to share their time, space, people, and things
  • That saying please and thank you shows gratitude
  • How to walk in a line calmly and politely
  • How to keep our desks organized and tidy
  • That organizing our materials makes it easy to find our things
  • That making positive choices has positive outcomes
  • That making negative choices has negative outcomes
  • That kindness matters
  • That when we share, we show that we care
  • How to use our words when we are frustrated utilizing our "Thinking Brain," so that our "Feeling Brain" doesn't take over our emotions
  • How to be "kids for others"
As you can see, we are working diligently in the second grade on developing strong social skills and in developing positive character traits.  The students are also making great strides academically.  Thank you for your partnership and with Trimester 2 right around the corner,  there will be more exciting growth yet to come!  Please continue reading to discover all that is taking place in the second grade classroom this week and right here at ACS.

Essential question that the students will answer:  
How can stories help you learn a lesson?
Target Skills:  Understanding Characters, Author's Word Choice, Summarizing
Writing Focus:  Informative Writing, Instructions
Grammar Focus:  Verbs in the Present
Spelling Focus:  Base Words and Endings, ing, ed
Review and Challenge Words:  mixed, sleeping, teasing, knocking

The students will continue studying Place Value and Addition concepts.

The students will learn about natural resources.

The students will complete their "Rosary Posters Project."

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, October 25th at 8:10 a.m.

Upcoming Events
Early Dismissal at Noon - Staff Meeting
Oct 25 2019 at 12:00 PM

End of Term 1
Nov 01 2019

All Saints Day/ Grandparents Day
Nov 01 2019 at 08:00 AM

Early Dismissal - Staff Meeting
Nov 01 2019 at 12:00 PM

The students will begin their research on the life of a saint!  Every child will need to complete a "mini poster" on the life of the saint that was assigned to him/her.  The children will also be creating a saint utilizing a water bottle.  A set of directions on this project, along with your child's assigned saint will be sent home on October 21st.  The due date for this upcoming project is November 1st, All Saint's Day!  This project will be in lieu of our typical weekly Reading Log.  
There will be no Reading Log assignments until the week of November 4th.

The children will also need to study for this week's Spelling Test which will be given on Friday, October 25th.   Any child that receives a 100% on this week's Spelling Pre-test , will be given a "Challenge" list of words to practice for the week.  The students working on the "Challenge List" will be tested on their list of words this coming Friday.


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