Happy Veteran's Day!

Hello Second Grade Families,
This Monday all of the ACS students and staff will be honoring all of those who have served our nation.  All of the ACS students will be taking part in a school wide "Flag Ceremony" at 8:45 am.    In the second grade classroom, we will also be learning about why we celebrateVeteran's Day and we will also discuss the different branches of the American military and how each branch works selflessly to defend and protect our American freedoms.  My Dad and my Uncle are both Army Veteran's and our family takes such pride in their service.  Thank you to all of our military Veterans and God bless the U.S.A.!

Essential question that the students will answer:  
What are different ways to enjoy music?
Target Skills:  Text and Graphic Features, Fact and Opinion, Questions
Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing
Grammar Focus:  Expanding and Rearranging Compound Sentences
Spelling Focus:  Vowel Digraphs

Review and Challenge Words:  stay, clay, raisin, birthday

The students will begin their unit on addition concepts.

The students will continue studying how scientists classify animals.  The second graders will also learn about animal habitats and ecosystems.  During story time we will continue reading "Judy Moody Saves the World."  This story teaches children the importance of conservation and protecting our environment.  Once these lessons are completed, the students will begin learning about animal habitats.

The students will complete their lessons on the lives of the saints within our classroom.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, November 15th at 8:10 am.

Upcoming Events
Evening Under the Stars
Nov 15 2019 at 06:00 PM

Tuition Assistance Workshop - Arizona Tuition Connection
Nov 21 2019 at 06:30 PM

Early Dismissal at Noon - Thanksgiving Break

Nov 27 2019 at 12:00 PM

This week the student's homework will be uniquely different.  The students will be creating an artistic turkey!  The children will also need to write a short and simple description of the turkey that they have created.  The turkey project will be sent home on Monday, November 11th and will be due on Friday, November 15th.  All of the students in the lower building are doing this fun turkey activity and all of the students work will be decorating the halls of the K-3 building.

The students will also need to study for their weekly Spelling test that will take place on Friday.

 Any child that receives a 100% on this week's Spelling Pre-test , will be given a "Challenge" list of words to practice for the week.  The students working on the "Challenge List" will be tested on their list of words this coming Friday.


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