Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Welcome to the third week of November!  Can you believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner?  Please know that your children will have their regular homework assignments for this week, but next week there will be no homework assignments due to the Thanksgiving break.  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place during this school week and right here at ACS.


Essential question that the students will answer:  
How are some schools different from each other?
Target Skills:  Main Idea and Details, Text and Graphic Features, Analyze/Evaluate
Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing
Grammar Focus:  Quotation Marks
Spelling Focus:  Vowel Digraphs ee, ea

Review and Challenge Words: eat, read, between, reason

The students will continue to work on addition concepts utilizing our "Go Math" textbook.
Please know that it's imperative that the students master their basic addition and subtraction facts to 20.  For example, in the area of addition the children need to be able to add all the way up to 20 by rote memorization.  In the area of subtraction, the students will need to be able to subtract beginning at 20 and going down by rote memorization.  As we get further into our basic math fact lessons, I will reach out to you should I observe a need for growth in this area.  If you'd like to enrich your child's math learning at home, please know that the children can practice utilizing our school wide IXL math program.  
Here are some additional ideas to assist your child at home:

  • Good old fashioned flash cards
  • Download an app to a device to assist your child in memorizing their basic math facts.  There are a few apps that my own children utilized that really helped and they were Splash Math, Sushi Monster, and any app that has your child race against a timer.  
  • has FREE worksheets to help your child practice too!  I am providing the link to you below and please know that I often utilize this website to enhance in class lessons.                                                  I hope that this information helps!

Now that the students have learned how scientists classify animals,  they will begin studying the different types of animal habitats.   Please be on the look out for an empty shoe box because the students will be creating an animal habitat using an empty shoe box in the near future!  The animal habitat/diorama is one of our second grade "project based learning" in class activities and it will take place after we return from our Thanksgiving break!

Also, last Friday your children experienced their very first second grade STREAM lesson.  Your children worked in teams of 4 to create a "perch" that would save a little "fuzzy weeble friend" from predators.  This activity helped the children to better understand the purpose of why birds build nests.  Below, you will find an image of the activity.  Be on the look out to see pictures of our in class STREAM lesson which will be posted on our next newsletter.

The students will begin learning the liturgical colors of the Catholic Church.  
Green = Ordinary Time (A time for reflecting and growing in our faith)
Red =  A holy day
Purple = A time of preparation (Advent and Lent)
White = A time for celebration (Christmas and Easter)

After learning about the four liturgical colors, the students will learn about the liturgical calendar.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, November 22nd at 8:10 am.

Upcoming Events
Nov 21 2019 at 06:30 PM

Nov 27 2019 at 12:00 PM

Nov. 28th and Nov. 29th ~ Happy Thanksgiving!

The students are expected to read nightly for 15 to 20 minutes and to complete a simple reading log.        

All reading logs are due on Friday.  If a child does not return their homework on Friday, the consequence will be to "clip down" on our behavior chart and forfeit a raffle ticket.

Here is the link to "Tumble Books," should you wish to have your child utilize this free site to read nightly.

The students will also need to study for their weekly Spelling test that will take place on Friday.
Any child that receives a 100% on this week's Spelling Pre-test , will be given a "Challenge" list of words to practice for the week.  The students working on the "Challenge List" will be tested on their list of words this coming Friday.


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