Welcome to November!

Hello Second Grade Families,
It's November!!!  Whew, last week was certainly a busy one.  We celebrated Halloween, All Saint's Day, Grandparent's Day, and our first trimester came to an end.  Before jumping into what will be taking place this week, I'd like to thank all of you for a wonderful birthday!  Your thoughtfulness and warm gestures truly warmed my heart.  Thank you for being a blessing.  Also, I'd like to thank our fabulous Second Grade Homeroom Moms for all of their efforts in making Halloween extra fun for the second graders.  Please know that your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.  This week, your students will be learning more about the lives of many saints who taught us what it means to be selfless.  Our lessons will include reserving time for the second graders to share within small groups the saint they researched and what they learned about their saint.   Please continue reading to discover everything that will be taking place both inside our second grade classroom and right here at ACS.

Essential question that the students will answer:  
How can people and animals help each other?
Target Skills:  Conclusions, Author's Word Choice, Infer/Predict
Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing, Persuasive Letter
Grammar Focus:  Verbs (Compound Sentences)
Spelling Focus:  Base Words and Endings -s, -es
Review and Challenge Words:  jets, frogs, stitches, fences

The students will continue studying Place Value.  However, we are now working all the way to the thousands place.  If your child would like some extra practice, don't forget that every student has access to IXL and he/she can practice place value concepts at home for enrichment.


The students will continue studying how scientists classify animals.  The second graders will also learn about animal habitats and ecosystems.  During story time we will begin reading "Judy Moody Saves the World."  This story teaches children the importance of conservation and protecting our environment.


The students will attend our school wide Rosary on Monday, November 4th at 2:20 pm.

The students will continue studying the lives of the saints within our classroom.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, November 8th at 8:10 am.

Upcoming Events

Catholic Community Foundation - Night of Hope Dinner
Nov 02 2019 at 06:00 PM

Evening Under the Stars
Nov 15 2019 at 06:00 PM

Tuition Assistance Workshop - Arizona Tuition Connection
Nov 21 2019 at 06:30 PM

Early Dismissal at Noon - Thanksgiving Break
Nov 27 2019 at 12:00 PM

Parent's Corner ~  Are you looking for information that will assist you as a parent?  If so, there is a website called Greatschools. org that I utilized when our oldest son was in elementary school.  It is a great resource that has a wealth of information to assist parents in addressing the challenges of raising their children and in educating parents in the different developmental stages their child will go through.  If you want to visit the site then just click on the link below.   Once you reach the site, click on the words "parenting" at the top of the page and then choose what topic you wish to visit.


The students are expected to read nightly for 15 to 20 minutes and to complete a simple reading log.        

All reading logs are due on Friday.  If a child does not return their homework on Friday, the consequence will be to "clip down" on our behavior chart and forfeit a raffle ticket.

Here is the link to "Tumble Books," should you wish to have your child utilize this free site to read nightly.

The students will need to study for their weekly Spelling test that will take place on Friday.
 Any child that receives a 100% on this week's Spelling Pre-test , will be given a "Challenge" list of words to practice for the week.  The students working on the "Challenge List" will be tested on their list of words this coming Friday.


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