Welcome to 2020!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Welcome to the new year, welcome to the month of January, and welcome back to ACS!  I hope that you and your families all had a beautiful Christmas break filled with warm memories, laughter, and some much needed down time.  We are going to ease into our learning in the second grade this week and will be focusing on procedures, expectations, and getting back into the groove of learning.  In fact, every January I introduce the students to an engaging in class behavior program known as "Class Dojo."  Your kids will love this site!  Class Dojo allows your child to accumulate points for positive behavior choices that are observed inside our classroom.  However, a child can also lose a point, or two,  for behavior infractions that take place inside the classroom.  Please know that I utilize Class Dojo as a way to highlight your child's positive behavior choices, but to also open up the door of communication between parents and children when a poor decision is made.  Your children will also have a cute little "monster avatar" that they can check in on at home to reflect upon the decisions that they made throughout their school day.  Class Dojo also has short little videos that assist the children in growing socially and emotionally which can also be viewed at home when I post them.  It also provides me with the ability to send out simple texts to parents on something we learned, or an upcoming event.  Please be on the lookout for the "Class Dojo" parent directions that will be sent home with your child on Monday.  

Please continue reading to see all that will be taking place both inside our classroom and right here at ACS.

The students will be stepping outside of their Journey's reading text to study polar bears this week.  Please know that your child will not have a spelling test for this week.  Next week, the students will return to their regular Journey's ELA lessons.

The students will also be introduced to cursive writing this week!  Our class will be studying and practicing the proper formation of writing cursive letters.  

The students will be polishing up on their addition and subtraction skills this week.  If time permits, the students will begin adding and subtracting two digit numbers.
Examples:  34 + 13 = 47   or     47-13=34

The students will be attending our school wide Rosary on Monday, January 6th at 2:20.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, January 10th at 8:10 am. 

Upcoming Events
Classes Resume Jan 06 2020
Musical Auditions  ~ Jan 08  and Jan 09 2020 at 03:15 PM
High School Placement Test (HSPT) ~  Jan 11 2020 at 08:00 AM
This week the students will have a unique reading logging.  The students are expected to read nightly for 15 to 20 minutes and their reading log will be due this Friday.
All reading logs are due on Friday.  If a child does not return their homework on Friday, the consequence will be to "clip down" on our behavior chart and forfeit a raffle ticket.  The students will also earn points on Class Dojo for completing and returning their homework on time, however, a child that doesn't return their homework completed on time will lose two points on Class Dojo.
Here is the link to "Tumble Books," should you wish to have your child utilize this free site to read nightly.



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