Winter Days!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Welcome to the second week of being back to school.  The students are becoming acclimated to our second grade school routines and we took the time last week to review behavioral expectations, classroom procedures, and second grade rules.  Class Dojo was also introduced last week and the children learned all about what it means to have a "Growth Mindset" with help from our cute monster friend Mojo and his good friend Katie.  This week, the students will be introduced to the skill of what it means to have "Perseverance."  Please know that the videos viewed on Class Dojo can also be viewed at home.  They are great skill based videos that can open up the lines of communication at home between you and your child.  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place both inside our classroom and right here at ACS.

Essential question that the students will answer:  
How can helping others make you feel good?
Target Skills:  Story Structure, Understanding Character, Infer/Predict
Writing Focus:  Narrative Writing
Grammar Focus:  Pronouns
Spelling Focus:  -ed  -ing

Review and Challenge Words:mixed, going, wrapped, swelling

This week the students will begin learning how to add double digit numbers with and without regrouping.

Social Studies
The students will begin learning about the three branches of the American Government.
Last week the students learned all about U.S. symbols which included the American Flag, the Bald Eagle,  The Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell, The White House, and why we celebrate The Fourth of July.


The students will be learning about the baptism of Jesus.  They will also be introduced to Christ's "parables."  This will begin lessons to prepare the children for the sacrament of Reconciliation.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, January 17th at 8:10 am.

Computer Corner!
Here are child friendly websites to enhance your child's learning at home.
  • IXL ~ your child's login information is located inside their agenda.  This site can assist your child in the area of reading and math.
  • ESpark ~ your child has their login information stapled inside the front of their homework folder.  This site can be utilized to build your child's reading and math abilities.
  • Tumble Books ~ This is a free site where reading books come to life!  Your child can utilize this site to have books read to them and then they can log it on their nightly reading log.  Just click on the link below to visit Tumble Books!
  • Epic ~ This is a website that will allow you to sign up your child to read books at home through the computer too.  The students will also be able to utilize this site at school.
  • Class Dojo ~ Have your child check in from time to time to view their points and view our skill of the week videos!
Upcoming Events
Sacrament Prep_Reconcilation Class ~ Jan 12 2020 at 09:30 AM
No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday ~ Jan 20 2020 
HSPT Make up date ~ Jan 25 2020 at 08:00 AM
Catholic Schools Week _ Open House ~   Jan 26 2020 at 11:30 AM

The students will need to study and prepare for their Spelling test which will take place this coming Friday.  If a students receives a 100% on their Spelling pre-test they will be given a "Challenge List" of words to learn for the week.

All students are expected to read nightly for at least 15 to 20 minutes.  Now that we are in the middle of the school year, the children should be filling out their reading logs.  Please have your child return their completed reading log on Friday, January 17th.



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