It's Fun Run Time!

Hello Second Grade Families,
This week is "Fun Run" week.  Your children will be attending daily "Pep Rallies" that create enthusiasm for this Friday's Fun Run and also teach character traits.  Friday will be the day of the school wide Fun Run and it's also an early dismissal day.  Every child will also receive a t-shirt to wear while they participate in the Fun Run.  The children will need to wear good athletic shoes on Friday for the Fun Run and comfortable athletic bottoms.  However, the entire school has Mass on Friday at 8:30, so the children will need to wear their school uniform to Mass.  After Mass, the students will be able to get ready for the Fun Run event.  If these directions should change, I will send an email to all of our second grade families.  Also know, that if you haven't done so already, you can sign your child up on the website and begin making pledges.  Thank you in advance for supporting this fundraising ACS event!

Please continue reading to discover everything that will be taking place inside our classroom and right here at ACS.

Essential question that the students will answer:  
How do animals care for their young?
Target Skills:  Main Ideas and Details, Cause and Effect, Infer/Predict
Writing Focus:  Informative Writing
Grammar Focus:  What is an adjective?
Spelling Focus:  Words with er

Review and Challenge Words: fern, ever, remember, feather

The students will begin their lessons on triple digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.

Social Studies
The students will begin learning about the history of America's expansion out west.

The students will be attending our school wide "Community Prayer" on Monday, February 24th.

The students will attend Mass on Ash Wednesday at 8:30 am. 

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will be learning about "Making Up for Our Offenses," utilizing their Jesus is Our Life textbook series.  

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, February 28th at 8:30 am.

Parent's Corner
Here's a short article on how to keep your family extra healthy during these last weeks of winter.

To prepare your family for Lent, this link will bring you to a site where you can purchase Lenten meal time cards to add meaningful discussions to your family dinners.

Below you will find another link that will lead you to lenten cards for children.  Each day your child will be given a reflective activity to assist him/her in preparing their hearts during the holy season of Lent.

Upcoming Events
All School Mass   Feb 23 2020 at 08:30 AM  
Term 3 Begins  Feb 24 2020   
Ash Wednesday Service  Feb 26 2020 at 08:15 AM 
Annual ACS Fun Run  Feb 28 2020 at 09:30 AM

Due to the Fun Run on Friday, the students will have their spelling test on Thursday and their reading log will also be due on Thursday for this week.  The students have earned one night free of homework due to their Fun Run pledges, and so, your child will only need to read and log it for Tuesday and Wednesday night.  Enjoy the extra time to enjoy your families.

Here's to a blessed week up ahead!


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