Hello March!

Hello Second Grade Families,
Welcome to the month of March!  The month where winter shifts into spring, the season of Lent, and the month where we all hope to have the "Luck of the Irish."  Here's to a beautiful month up ahead which will be filled with lenten activities and reflections.  On Monday, March 2nd, the second graders will be leading our school wide Rosary in St. Gabriel's Catholic Church at 2:10 pm.  What a beautiful way to begin the month of March.  Please continue reading to discover what will be taking place inside the second grade classroom and right here at ACS.

Essential question that the students will answer:  
How do friends help each other?
Target Skills:  Understanding Characters, Figurative Language, Questions
Writing Focus:  Informative Writing
Grammar Focus:  Using Adjectives
Spelling Focus:  Homophones

Review and Challenge Words: sea, see, threw, through

The students will complete their lessons on triple digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  The students will then move into a Geometry unit utilizing our "Go Math" series.

Social Studies
Last week was so full that we weren't able to begin our Social Studies lessons.  So this week,  the students will begin learning about the history of America's expansion out west.

The second grade students will be leading our school wide Rosary on Monday, March 2nd at 2:10 p.m. inside St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The students will be learning about "Making Up for Our Offenses," utilizing their Jesus is Our Life textbook series.  

The students will attend our school wide Mass on Friday, March 6th at 8:30 am.

Upcoming Events

  No School - Spring Teacher In-Service
  Mar 13 2020 
  No School
  Mar 16 2020 
  Daddy Daughter Dance
  Mar 21 2020 at 06:00 PM
  Sacrament Prep_Communion/Confirmation Class
  Mar 22 2020 at 09:30 AM

The students are expected to read nightly for 15 to 20 minutes and to log their reading.  All of the students will need to study for the Spelling Test which will take place this upcoming Friday.  Your child's reading log needs to be completed and handed in on Friday.  


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