Welcome to Week 2 of Distance Learning!!!

 Hello Second Grade Families,

Welcome to the second week of our distance learning lessons.  Please know that the Second Grade Interactive Classroom has been updated for your children.  The same images will remain, but every link has been updated accordingly for this week's learning.   I would highly encourage you to print off the slides for this week, as they can serve as a schedule for your children each day.  Thank you in advance for all of your patience and support as we navigate this learning model together.  Also, I know there were some computer glitches with Brain Pop Jr. and Tumble Books last week.  Below, I am providing information you may need just in case either of those links get overloaded and will not work for you.  However, please do not have your children navigate through all that Brain Pop Jr. has to offer, as we will be utilizing specific videos that correspond with the proper content being taught.  

Brain Pop Jr. Login:

Username:  spristash

Password:  Keeper!2016

The Tumble Books Library is through the Phoenix Public Library and it's absolutely FREE! 

Simply follow the following steps if the link doesn't work for your child:

  1. Go to the Phoenix Public Library online https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org
  2. Then look at the top of the page and click on "Kids"
  3. Scroll down and look for the "Tumble Books" Library and click it!
  4. Your children may now select a Tumble Book that will read to them by clicking on Play Video!
Last of all, this week we will begin our optional small group learning on site in the second grade classroom.  Every student has been assigned a specific day and we will be working from noon to two o'clock.  The focus will be on practicing our writing skills this week.  The students will also have time to be assigned a specific desk, create their very own name tag and play a fun "Kindness Bingo" game with me.  Our numbers will not exceed more than 8 or 9 and all desks will be sanitized before and after our learning sessions.

Please continue reading to discover all that will be transpiring in our second grade learning this week!

Please note that each item in the picture above will take your child to an academic content area.
  • Click on the Journey's Reading book~ Online textbook for your second grader
  • Click on the YouTube image ~ Mrs. Connell's daily math lesson for the day
  • Click on the Go Math book~ Curious George will assist your child's math knowledge by reiterating today's daily concept, or a fun based math video will be linked to this image
  • Click on the  IXL image ~ Apply and practice your math skills (This week's concept is Data which is located in section "R" on the IXL website in the second grade section.)

Optional Learning Activities

  • Click on the sloth for a new “Brain Break” from Go Noodle!

  • Click on the coffee cup to practice your keyboarding skills

  • Click on Baby Jesus and the Blessed Mother which lead you to a site filled with kindness activities which includes coloring pages and posters!

  • Click on I Love Jesus to learn how to sing the kindness song!

  • Click on the fish bowl to enjoy another virtual field trip at the San Diego Zoo that focuses on animal habitats.

  • Click on the plant to play a sight word spelling game


This week your children will begin reading My Family which is located inside their Journey's textbook.  Please take note that your child may have the text read to them on-line by utilizing our Interactive Second Grade Google Classroom.  


The students will continue learning about data (bar graphs, tally graphs, and picture graphs).


The students will begin learning about kindness and how they can show kindness towards others.


The students will be able to go on another "virtual field trip" to the San Diego Zoo and learn about animal habitats.

My office hours are from 2:00 to 3:00 every day!  

So, please don't hesitate to reach out to me should you need any further assistance. 


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