The Doors Are Open ~ Welcome to Learning Inside the Second Grade Classroom!


Hello Second Grade Families,

On Monday, August 31st, the doors to the lower building will be opened for students from Kindergarten through the third grade!   The teachers are so excited to see their students and to begin our academic journey with them within the walls of our classrooms.    As we begin introducing some normalcy into our lives, please know that precautions are being taken.  The desks are all facing forward, hand sanitizer pumps are available for all to utilize throughout the day, and lanyards have been purchased to help your child keep track of their mask.  One of our school nurses will also be visiting the classroom to discuss with the children how to best wash their hands and how to stay healthy and safe at school this year.   Lysol wipes have also been purchased to clean the desks each day, but should you be able to contribute any it would be greatly appreciated.  

Please expect this week to be a week of review and getting to know your children.  Therefore, there will not be any homework for the next few weeks.  It's my intention to give the children time to acclimate to being back at school and to also have every student assessed prior to assigning homework.

Also, we have a number of children with serious allergies to a variety of nuts.  Let's do all that we can to avoid nut based products for our school snacks.  There is a "nut free" table during our school lunch times to keep students with these allergies safe.  Thank you in advance for your help and understanding.

Please continue reading this weekly newsletter to stay informed with what will be taking place our first week back at ACS.

Rules and Procedures

This week, there will be a wealth of time spent on teaching the second graders about our daily routines, classroom and school rules, and learning second grade procedures.  There will also be time dedicated to the expectations for learning in the second grade and how to live out our school's mission statement.  At ACS, we strive for the children to be... 

Strong Communicators

Thoughtful Citizens

Active Christians

Resourceful Learners

Time will also be reserved for social/emotional activities to foster a sense of a classroom family that takes care of one another.

Also, make sure to send back your child's Friday folder sometime this week!

This coming Friday, also be on the lookout for some handouts that I am providing to all of the parents to explain the ins and outs of the second grade and information on our classroom discipline system.  Your child should also be able to communicate our "Clip Up, or Clip Down" behavior chart as we will be focusing on it all week.   Below is a picture of what our Second Grade Behavior Chart looks like.


The students will:

  • practice their penmanship
  • learn about different types of sentences
  • create their first writing sample
  • spend time reviewing basic language arts skills
  • be assessed in their reading fluency and comprehension

The students will begin Unit 1 which focuses on place value concepts.

Additionally, if time permits, the students will be assessed in their math knowledge.

Social Studies

The students will begin learning what a "Constitution" is and the history of the American Constitution.  Then, the second graders will be creating their very own second grade constitution which will serve as "The Laws of the Land" within the second grade classroom.  


The students will begin their first religion lesson from the Jesus Our Life Series.  

This week will focus on teaching the students that each one of them is a Child of God.


The second graders will not have homework until the week of September 14th.

However, your child has access to Tumble Books, IXL, and the other links that were utilized from our Google Classroom if you wish to give your child extra learning time at home during the course of the next few weeks.


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