Hello September!


Hello Second Grade Families!

Welcome to the month of September!  The month where there is a feeling of fall in the air.  The time when we enjoy fresh apples, apple cider,  and homemade apple pie!  It's also the month when kids learn about the life of Johnny Appleseed.  September is also the month that will lead us into the wonderful season of fall.  Your children and I can't wait to discover all the gifts that this month will bring.  Here's to the month ahead!

Please continue reading to discover all that will take place both inside our classroom and right here at ACS.


Below you will find the "Focus Wall" which provides the focus of this week's language arts lessons.  All of the lessons will take place inside our classroom.  Your child will need to study the spelling words throughout the week and they will have their very first spelling test on Friday.

Essential question that the students will answer:  
What do pets need to be healthy and happy?
Target Skills:  Author's Purpose, Compare and Contrast, Analyze/Evaluate
Writing Focus:  Narrative Writing (Sentences that describe)
Grammar Focus:  Types of Sentences
Spelling Focus:  Long Vowels (a, i)

Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List:  gave, bike, mistake, while


The students will continue learning about place value and place value concepts.

Social Studies

The students will continue learning about the American Constitution.  In fact, your children created a "Class Constitution" which will serve as the "Laws of the Land" for the second graders this year.  I was so impressed with what they created on their very own in small groups!


The students will experience a "virtual" Community Prayer service on Tuesday, September 8th at 8:15 a.m.

The students will utilize the "Jesus Our Life" religion series focusing on "The Blessed Trinity."

The students will be going to Mass as a school community on Wednesday, September 9th at 8:15 am.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

Behavior Expectations:

Below you will discover how our Behavior clip chart works.  Each section of the chart is color coded.  Your children can earn their way up the chart during the course of the day for making positive behavior choices.  However, if a child should make a poor choice, they will clip down on the chart.  Serious behavior infractions can place the child at the "Parent Contact" section of the behavior chart and/or a time out from our classroom, or a visit with Dr. Pristash.  There is not a "one size fits all" consequence system when it comes to behavior.  Each negative behavior must be addressed individually and with a proper consequence.  Please also know that your child will end each day by coloring a square inside their agenda to let their parents know what color they earned for the day.   Beginning in October, the children can earn raffle tickets for earning their way to pink!  The raffle tickets can then be used to earn a child privileges and/or prizes of their choice.  Behavior infractions can cause a child to return one raffle ticket to their teacher.

I hope that this information is helpful!

Below you will find what our second grade classroom behavior chart looks like.

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ P.E. at 2:25

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 8:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    Spanish at 12:00 and P.E. at 2:25

Friday ~ No special area classesHowever, I do my best to create fun learning based activities on Friday afternoons for the children to enjoy!  Computer lessons will eventually take place on Fridays!

Upcoming Events

First Day On Campus 4th - 8th ~ Sep 08 2020 
Bricks4Kidz Lego Club begins ~ Sep 17 2020 at 08:30 AM
Middle School Parent Conferences/ No School MS, Noon dismissal K-5 ~ Sep 24 2020 at 09:00 AM


This week, the students will be expected to study for their Spelling test that will take place on Friday, September 11th.



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