Hello December!
Welcome back Second Grade Families and happy December! The month where we enter the season of Advent in order to prepare our hearts for the gift of Jesus! It's also the month when your "children will be nestled snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums will be dancing in their heads." It's such a beautiful time of the year, so let's enter it with our hearts wide open and ready to spread much needed joy and cheer. Please continue reading this newsletter to stay up to date on all that will be taking place both inside the second grade classroom and right here at ACS. ELA Essential question that the students will answer: How are some schools different from each other? Target Skills: Main Idea and Details, Text and Graphic Features, Analyze/Evaluate Writing Focus: Opinion Writing Grammar Focus: Quotation Marks Spelling Focus: Vowel Digraphs, ee, ea Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List: eat, read, between, ...