Hello November!


Hello Second Grade Families,

Finally...colder weather is here and there is a wonderful chill of Fall in the air!  We all have arrived in the month of November.  The month where we celebrate All Saint's Day,  Our Veteran's, and Thanksgiving.  The month where we take a little time to embrace an attitude of gratitude for all of the blessings we each have been given.  Here's to the month where we give thanks for all that we have so graciously received.

Please continue reading to discover what will be taking place in the second grade classroom this week and right here at ACS.


Essential question that the students will answer:  

How can people and animals help each other?
Target Skills:  Conclusions, Author's Word Choice, Infer/Predict
Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing (How to write Instructions)
Grammar Focus: Compound Sentences
Spelling Focus:  Base Words and Endings -s,  -es

Bonus Words for this week's Spelling List:  jets, frogs, stitches, fences


The students will continue the unit in their Go Math series which focuses on addition and subtraction concepts.  The students were also introduced to multiplication last week.  The second graders learned that multiplication is repeated addition and they also discovered that arrays are pictures that depict equal groups.  

An image of an array can be found below.


The students will continue learning about animal habitats.


The students will be attending Mass as a school community on Wednesday, November 4th at 8:15 am.  After Mass, the students will experience a Veteran's Day Flag Ceremony to honor all who have served in our military.  God bless our American Veterans and thank you for your service!

The students will continue focusing on the lives of the saints!  

If time permits, the students will focus on the unit "Becoming A Child of God" utilizing the Jesus Our Life religion series. 

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The second graders will continue learning the prayer for the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel per Father Chad's request.  All of the ACS students will be saying the prayer each time we attend Mass on Wednesday mornings and in our second grade classroom.

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ P.E. at 2:25

                  Spanish at 12:00

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 2:25

Friday ~ No special area classes

Computer Corner

Don't forget that your child has access to several academic computer sites to enhance their learning at home.

Here is a quick list to assist your child in their academic growth at home.

  • RAZ kids
  • IXL
Also, if you are interested in learning about the saints at home, below you will find another wonderful website to assist you and your children.  However, I would recommend previewing the videos because the saints who were martyred may have died in a way that can be overwhelming for children to digest.

Upcoming Events

November 6, Friday:  End of the Trimester. Friday, November 13; K-3 report cards will go home and 4th – 8th will be available online in the Family Portal.  

November 11 & 13 Wed, Fri.  Veterans Day Mass 8:15 a.m.  Flag Ceremony & Blessing for Veterans following Mass.  See invite attached.

November 17, Tuesday:  Barro’s Dine Out.  See attached flyer.

November 23, Monday: $1 Free Dress for 8th Grade Grand Canyon Trip. Thank you for your generosity. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Students must adhere to school uniform policy for non-uniform dress.

November 24, Tuesday: Annual Thanksgiving Feast.  An ACS Family is providing lunch with all the trimmings! We are very blessed!  Lunch includes turkey, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, string beans and dessert.  Blue Willo catering lunch has been cancelled.  If your student prefers something else, please pack a lunch from home.  Due to Covid restrictions, staff will be serving the feast.  We still need our lunch duty volunteers.

November 25, Wedenesday:  8:15 a.m. Mass for K-3.  Noon dismissal.  No Lunch service.  No aftercare available.

November 26 & 27 Thursday & Friday:  Thanksgiving break.  No school.  Happy Thanksgiving!

November 30, Monday: Community Prayer led by the 6th grade class at 8:10 a.m.


This week, the students will need to read each night for at least 15 minutes and log their reading utilizing their reading log.  The reading log is due on Friday.

The students will also need to study for their Spelling Test that will take place on Friday.


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