It's ITBS Testing Week!


Hello Second Grade Families,

This week all ACS students will begin their ITBS standardized testing!

Please make sure to have your child to school on time each day this week.  It is also strongly recommended that your child has a hearty breakfast to allow them to have stamina and "Brain Power" for their daily tests.  Each day for the next six days, your child will take two tests on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills to assess your child's academic growth and abilities.  Typically, children can become quite fatigued after testing, so I would also suggest making sure your child has a nutritious snack and lunch too.  As a result of the ITBS testing, the second graders will NOT have any homework for this week in order to assist families in having more down time and to allow your child in getting a full night's rest so that they can be best prepared for testing the next day.

Our typical learning schedule will be uniquely different this week due to testing, so the children will not have their regular ELA lessons.

Please continue reading to discover what our week will look like here in the second grade classroom and right here at ACS.

The students will continue to learn about fractions.  These lessons on fractions began last Thursday.

The students will continue learning all about plants.  Concepts that are being  taught include the parts of a plant, the lifecycle of plants, identifying parts of plants that we eat, (examples:  carrots are roots, corn is a seed that we eat, cabbage is a leaf, asparagus is both a stem and a flower that many people enjoy eating, etc.)  The students will also experience a wide variety of hands on plant themed activities and some experiments too which will include embracing conservation ideas to best serve the beautiful gift God gave us...Earth.  Learning about plants and animals is so much fun and is very engaging to second graders.  What a gift!

The students will have another sacramental preparation lesson this week.

The students will pray throughout their school day and this includes at daily Pledge/Prayer, before lunch, and prior to dismissal.

The second graders will continue praying for the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel per Father Chad's request.  All of the ACS students will be saying the prayer each time we attend Mass on Wednesday mornings.   The students have memorized the "Act of Contrition" and are prepared to say this prayer when they receive the holy sacrament of Reconciliation.   

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ P.E. at 2:25

                  Spanish at 12:00

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 2:25

Friday ~ No special area classes

Don't forget that your child has access to several academic computer sites to enhance their learning at home.

Here is a quick list to assist your child in their academic growth at home.

  • RAZ kids ( Your child may utilize this site to complete their nightly reading homework.)
  • IXL (Section W focuses on key second grade fractions concepts)
  • Class Dojo!  This site can be accessed each day to allow your child to gain insights on their behavioral decisions from the day.  The students will earn points that then allow them to upgrade their site's avatar and the site will allow the students to view social/emotional developmental videos that were viewed in class from that specific day.  It's such an engaging behavioral tool and it motivates and empowers the students to give their very best efforts each day.
  • So far in Class Dojo, your children have focused on the social/emotional skills of having a "Growth Mindset," how to be "Perseverant," how to be "Empathetic," what it means to show "Gratitude," and how they can tackle "Big Challenges" in life!  

Upcoming Events

  • April 19-30, Mon-Fri: ITBS Testing.  Students should get plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast and bring an extra snack to school.  Please be on time and schedule appointments after school or after ITBS testing is complete.
  • April 22, Thursday:  8th Grade Flagstaff Trip.  Please pray for our 8th Grade Class to have a safe and memorable experience.
  • April 24, Saturday:  Evening Under the Stars (see below for the big reveal!)
  • April 26 – April 30:  Food Drive is coming to ACS! Vibrant Vinnies will be collecting nonperishable food items for St. Vincent de Paul all week long so bring in those donations and help us support the needy in our community!Each classroom will have a basket to place items in. (Most needed: Peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, granola bars, cans of tuna)
  • April 26, Monday: 8th Grade Free Dress $1 fundraiser.  Thank you for your continued support for the 8th Grade activities and expenses.
  • April 28, Wednesday:  Notre Dame Guitar Concert 1:30 p.m. in the church.   All are welcome.
  • April 30, Friday: May Crowning following Mass (9 a.m.). Click the link to view the flyer. You’re invited to honor Mary at this beautiful ceremony.  Please bring a thornless flower for Mary. 
  • Evening Under the Stars “Dinner en Blanc” – April 24 at 6pm Big Reveal – the location of the event will be at Stagecoach Village.

    • Purchase tickets by Monday, April 19, for singles or couples.
    • Table of  8 are available 
    • Auction will go live on Monday, April 19
    • Get ready for a great evening en Blanc!

    Save the Date:

    • Daddy-Daughter Dance, May 8 – Invitations were sent home with your daughters.  Invite also attached.  Return RSVP to the office.
The students will not have any homework this week due to ITBS testing.


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