It's Time for Parent-Teacher Conferences!


Hello Second Grade Families,

Can you believe it's the middle of October and time for parent-teacher conferences?  Conferences can be scheduled through the sign-up genius that was sent out last week from the school office.  Please know that Thursday afternoon and Friday have both been set aside for parent-teacher conferences.  This means that your children will be dismissed at noon on Thursday, and there will be no school on Friday due to the conferences, so please plan accordingly.  Due to the shortened academic week, the second graders will not have their regularly scheduled language arts lessons. There will not be a Spelling test this week, and the children will not have a new story from the Journey's textbook.  Instead, I'm going to take the needed time to focus on teaching the children all about the formal writing process and creating our very first formal writing sample.  Below is an image of what the formal writing process looks like for children.


  • The students will understand and demonstrate their knowledge of the formal writing process.
  • The students will create their very first formal writing sample.  The topic will be:  Write about a time when you helped someone in need.
  • The students will be practicing their knowledge of verbs.


The students are learning about double digit addition concepts and strategies utilizing our Big Ideas Math textbooks.


Social Studies

The students will continue focusing on identifying and understanding a wide variety of landforms.



  • The students will continue learning all about the blessed mother and how to properly pray the rosary.
  • The students will attend an all school Mass on Wednesday, October 18th at 8:15 a.m. inside St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.


  • The students will be given an "Engage It" reading log which they will need for the next two weeks.  The children get to choose from a wide variety of fun ways to read.  They simply cut out the activity they choose and glue it onto the reading log.  After the students complete at least 7 of the "Engage It" activities, they will need to complete the writing activity which is located on the back of the homework.  Please know that this reading log will not be due until October 29th.
  • Also, All Saint's Day is quickly approaching.  Your children are going to be given a "mini poster" of a specific saint that they are going to need to look up information about.  It's important that the second graders complete their assignment neatly and completely.  The art activity that compliments the mini poster is an optional piece, but it would be wonderful if every child is able to create a depiction of their saint by following the directions of the "All Saints Project."  Please note that explicit directions are being given in class.  Below, you will discover the directions to this faith based homework project.  Please know that a hard copy of the directions will be sent home with your child on Monday and that the directions were presented in class.

All Saint’s Day Project

Due:  Monday, November 1st, 2021

All second graders will be required to research the life of a saint that has been assigned to him/her.  After researching their saint, they will need to fill out their “Saintly Poster” with the information that they have learned about their assigned saint.  It’s expected that your child writes neatly and that the mini poster is completed thoroughly.  Afterwards, your child has an “optional activity” to create an artistic impression of their saint utilizing a water bottle.  Please see the picture below to assist you on how to help your child in creating their saint.   

Example of a St. Kateri Tekakwitha water bottle buddy!

Please feel free to use any crafting materials.  Examples include felt, construction paper, fabric, pipe cleaners, yarn, etc.  Please feel free to work on this activity as a family.  This is a wonderful time to discuss the lives of saints and what it means to be “saintly.”  The saints were ordinary people who chose to live extraordinary lives for the greater glory of God!   

Here are some web sites to assist your child on researching their saint.

Have fun with this engaging activity and see it as a time to connect with your child in the spirit of our beautiful Catholic faith!  May the saints guide you and may their spirits be with you as you work together on this faith based activity.

Here’s to a blessed All Saints Day!


Mrs. Megan Connell

Second Grade Teacher

Annunciation Catholic School 

Don't forget that every second grader has access to the following websites to assist them in the areas of Reading and Math

  • RAZ Kids (the students may use this site to complete their nightly reading homework)
  • Splash Math Learning (This site will assist your child in mastering mathematical concepts that are taught inside our second grade classroom.)

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ Spanish at 12:30 p.m. P.E. at 1:45 p.m. 

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 1:45 p.m.

Friday ~ There is no school this coming Friday!  Enjoy the time off!

Upcoming Events

October 21, Thursday: K-5 conference starting at noon.  Noon dismissal for K-5 only. No lunch for K-5.  (MS has a full day of school.)  Sign up genius was sent out.  Contact the office if you did not receive it.
October 22, Friday: K-5  conference:  K-5 students no school.  (MS has a full day of school.)   Sign up genius was sent out.  Contact the office if you did not receive it.
October 23, Saturday: Dads Club Annual Campus Cleanup Day, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. RSVP or for more details, email:

October 29, 30 Friday, Saturday:  Wild West Book Fair begins.  Book Fair will be open during Truck and Treat 5:30 pm – 8 pm.October 30, Saturday:  Trunk or Treat after the 4:30 pm Mass.  Decorate your car and hand out treats to the kids! Buy your parking lot space today! Or just come to Trick or Treat! All participants must register. Pizza dinner available to purchase. Read the Trunk or Treat flyer attached for more details. The school book fair will be open during the event!


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