November is in Full Swing!

 Hello Second Grade Families,

Welcome to the second week of November!  Last week was a whirlwind of a week!  Your children arrived last Monday with their wonderful saintly projects and the saints came marching into the second grade classroom!  WOW!  Did your kids do an amazing job on their saintly projects.  Thank you!    Please know that your children will be learning about a wide variety of saints and the lives they led to be of service to God.  The students also enjoyed the book fair fun last week along with a wonderful celebration to honor their grandparents.  November is off to a bustling, yet exciting start!

Please continue reading this newsletter to discover all that will be taking place this week inside the second grade classroom and right here at ACS.


Essential Question:  How can people and animals help each other?

Grammar:  Compound sentences

Spelling:  Base Words and Endings: -s -es

Phonics:  Base Words and Endings: -s -es

Writing:  Informative Writing - Persuasive Letter

Spelling List













jets (review word)

frogs (review word)

stitches (challenge word)

fences (challenge word)


The students will be entering a new unit in math.  This week, the students will begin Unit 5 utilizing the Big Ideas textbook.  This unit focuses on subtracting within 100.


The students will continue learning about processes that shape the earth.


  • The students will be learning about the lives of the saints!
  • The students will be attending an all school Mass on Wednesday, November 10th at 8:15 a.m. inside St. Gabriel's Catholic Church
  • If time permits, the students will also begin the chapter titled, "Obeying God Our Father" inside the Jesus Our Life Religion series.

  • The students will need to study their Spelling words in order to be best prepared for their Spelling test which will take place on Friday, November 12th.
  • The students are expected to read nightly for a minimum of 15 minutes.  For the next two weeks, the students will have an "Engage It" reading log!  The kiddos love practicing their reading in a fun and engaging way.  The Engage It reading log will not be due until Friday, November 19th.
  • There will be absolutely no homework the week of Thanksgiving!

Don't forget that every second grader has access to the following websites to assist them in the areas of Reading and Math

  • RAZ Kids (the students may use this site to complete their nightly reading homework)
  • Splash Math Learning (This site will assist your child in mastering mathematical concepts that are taught inside our second grade classroom.)

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ Spanish at 12:30 p.m. P.E. at 1:45 p.m. 

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 1:45 p.m.

Friday ~  There are no specials on Friday!

Upcoming Events

November 10, Wednesday:  Veterans Day Celebration; 8:15 a.m. Mass, Flag Ceremony and blessing of Veterans, outside memorial flag raising. See Invite attached.

November 10, Dine Out Fundraiser at Phalt BBQ dine in, take out – all sales percentage comes back to support ACS.  See attached flyer.

Save the date: 

November 12 & 13 Our Lady of Joy Christmas Bazaar 9 am – 4 p.m. Over 60 vendors, food and drink, many Christmas decor and present ideas. 

November 12, Friday $1 Free dress for 8th Grade Flagstaff Trip.  Please adhere to non-uniform dress guidelines found in the handbook and ACS website.  Thank you in advance for supporting our 8th Grade fundraising.

December 16, Thursday:  ACS Christmas Concert in the new church. (Previously scheduled on December 15, Wednesday.)


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