March is Right Around the Corner!


Hello Second Grade Families,

The month of March is right around the corner and we are now entering the third trimester of the school year!  Let's end this last trimester strong!  Please know that our school day begins at 8:00 am sharp, let's focus on upholding all of the ACS school uniform policies, and please know that the second graders need to read nightly and log it.  The reading logs are typically due on Friday's.  Research indicates that students who read nightly and log it tend to show the most growth in the area of reading fluency during their academic school year. 

Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place this week at ACS and within the second grade classroom.



Essential Question:  How do friends help each other?

Grammar:  Using Adjectives

Spelling:  Homophones

Phonics:  Words and Endings -er and -est

Writing:  Informative Writing

Spelling List


















The students will wrap up their lessons on adding and subtracting within one thousand. 

 The students will then enter into lessons on fractions.

Social Studies

The students will continue learning about America's expansion out west.  The second graders will be learning about the history of The Lewis and Clark expedition and how Sacagawea was a key individual to the success of the expedition.


  • The students will attend Mass on Ash Wednesday which is on March 2nd at 8:10 a.m. inside St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.
  • The students will be learning about the season of Lent.
  • The students will utilize their Jesus Our Life textbooks to focus on "Asking Forgiveness."   This unit focuses on how our God is a merciful and forgiving God (we weren't able to complete this lesson last week due to time constraints.)
  • The students will continue to practice the Act of Contrition and we will begin learning this prayer to prepare the students for the sacrament of First Reconciliation. 
  • The students will be preparing to lead the all school Rosary which will take place on Monday, March 7th at 2:20 inside St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.

Don't forget that every second grader has access to the following websites to assist them in the areas of Reading and Math

  • RAZ Kids (the students may use this site to complete their nightly reading homework)
  • Splash Math Learning (This site will assist your child in mastering mathematical concepts that are taught inside our second grade classroom.)
  • The students will continue learning how to type using our class set of Chrome Books this week utilizing the website.
The students will need to complete this week's March reading log.
The reading log is due on Friday, March 4th.
The students will also need to study their Spelling words in order to best prepare for their Spelling test on Friday. 

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ Spanish at 12:30 p.m. P.E. at 1:45 p.m. 

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 1:45 p.m.

Friday ~  There are no specials on Friday!

Upcoming Events

February 28, Monday:  Wear your JOY t-shirt with your uniform bottoms.

March 1, Tuesday:  Altar Server training 3:30 – 5 pm (rescheduled makeup previously on Feb. 22) in the church.  Students grades 5 – 8 are welcome and encouraged to attend.

March 1, Tuesday:  Saints and Sacraments led by Mrs. Cullen at 6:30pm in ACS.  

March 2, Wednesday:  Participate in Saint Sock Days on the first Wednesday of every month. 

March 2, Wednesday:  Ash Wednesday 8:15 am, Mass with ash distribution.  All are welcome.  Also, Mass and ash distribution at St Gabriel, 7 pm.

March 3, Thursday:  New Bricks 4 Kidz – Legos – session.  See attached flyer for registration information.

March 4, 18, 25, April 1, 8, Fridays:  Stations of the Cross with students at 2:20 pm  in the Church.   All are welcome.

March 7, Monday:  Monthly Rosary – the Sorrowful Mysteries at 2:20 pm led by 2nd grade.

March 11, 14, Friday, Monday: No school Friday and Monday.  Teacher In-Service (Friday)



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