Hello April!

 Hello Second Grade Families,

Welcome to the beautiful month of April.  Please know that your children will be finishing up their ITBS testing this week.  I'm hoping to complete the test on Monday morning, but it's possible that the test will not be completed until Tuesday afternoon.  The test is being given in segments and I'm doing my best to not overload the kids as the test requires a lot of concentration from each second grader.  Thank you in advance for all of your support as we complete the ITBS testing.

Please continue reading to discover what will be taking place this week!


There will be no spelling test this week due to the completion of the ITBS test, however, the students will be learning key concepts from this week's story located inside their Journey's textbook.  The class will also focus on this week's spelling skill in our classroom lessons.

Essential Question:  How do some animals change as they grow?

Grammar:  Contractions

Spelling:  Words with oo, ew, ue, ou

Phonics:  Words with oo, ew, ue, ou

Writing:  Opinion Writing

The students will begin learning about how to properly write in cursive.

Spelling List



















The students will be moving into time and money concepts using their math textbooks along with "hands on" learning activities.


The students will be wrapping up their lessons on plants.


  • The students will continue learning about the season of Lent.
  • The students will attend an all school Rosary on Monday, April 4th at 2:20 inside St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.
  • The students will utilize their Jesus Our Life textbooks to continue focusing on "Forgiveness."  
  • The students will continue to practice the Act of Contrition and are learning this prayer to prepare them for the sacrament of First Reconciliation. 
  • The students will be attending our all school Mass on Wednessday, April 6th at 8:15 a.m. inside    St. Gabriel's Catholic Church.
  • The students will attend the all school Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 8th at 2:20 pm.


Don't forget that every second grader has access to the following websites to assist them in the areas of Reading and Math

  • RAZ Kids (the students may use this site to complete their nightly reading homework)
  • Splash Math Learning (This site will assist your child in mastering mathematical concepts that are taught inside our second grade classroom.)
  • The students will continue learning how to type using our class set of Chrome Books this week utilizing the typingclub.com website.


The students will not have homework this week due to completing our ITBS testing.

Here are the Second Grade Specials:

Monday ~ Art at 12:10

Tuesday ~ Spanish at 12:30 p.m. P.E. at 1:45 p.m. 

Wednesday ~ Mass Day at 8:15 a.m. 

                        Spanish 9:40 and Music at 1:00

Thursday ~    P.E. at 1:45 p.m.

Friday ~  There are no specials on Friday!

Upcoming Events

April 6, Wednesday: Annunciation Family Fundraiser at The Creek Cookies and Cream. 3 pm to close. The Creek Cookies and Cream will donate to ACS for all our ACS dine in and take out orders.           28248 N Tatum Blvd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331
April 7, Thursday: Class of 2022 – 8th Grade trip to Flagstaff. 5:30am – 10:30 pm. Have a safe and fun trip!
April 8, Friday: 8th Grade fundraiser $1 free dress. Please adhere to the non-uniform guidelines.Thank you for supporting 8th grade trip to Flagstaff.
April 14, Thursday: ACS Field Day! More info to come. Noon dismissal. No aftercare.

Future Happenings:
April 15 – 24 Thu-Sun: Happy Easter and spring break – No school.
April 25, Monday: Golf tournament hosted by Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Joy. Please read the attached fliers. Consider supporting and/or participating, ACS benefits! Thank you for supporting this Golf tournament.
April 29, Friday: May Crowning following daily Mass. More details to come.
April 30, Saturday: ACS Family Field Night (5:30pm – 7:30pm) ACS. Dads Club welcomes all ACS families to join us for a celebration of spring and another wonderful year at Annunciation. Volleyball, basketball, and soccer games for kids and parents, light food and refreshments with family fun. More details in the coming weeks.


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