
Showing posts from November, 2019

Second Grade Autumn Memories!

Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Thanksgiving!  Your children have had a beautiful few weeks of school filled with fun Autumn memories!  I just wanted to take a moment to send some Second Grade Fall Memories your way!  May you all have a lovely Thanksgiving and thank you for being a blessing! Honoring St. Kateri at the Annual School Wide Thanksgiving Feast! A Beautiful Scenic Picture During Recess! STREAM ~ Help Harry! This hands on "STREAM" challenge allowed your children to better understand why birds build and live in nests!  A nest provides shelter, protection, and a home for birds.

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Second Grade Families, Thanksgiving is upon us, and there is so much to be grateful for;  work for our hands to do, good food, caring families, treasured friends, and our faith.  Thank you all for your support this school year and for entrusting me to care and nurture your children academically, socially, and spiritually.  May you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving!  Please know that we have an early noon dismissal on Wednesday and that there is no school on Thursday and Friday, so that we can all honor the gift of Thanksgiving.  Please continue reading to discover what will be taking place for the next three days within the second grade classroom and right here at ACS. ELA The students will have Thanksgiving based reading and writing activities this week.   Below you will find the Thanksgiving based  activities. The students will: Create a book of Thanksgiving Blessings!  This book will allow the children to understand the ...

Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed!

Hello Second Grade Families, Welcome to the third week of November!  Can you believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner?  Please know that your children will have their regular homework assignments for this week, but next week there will be no homework assignments due to the Thanksgiving break.  Please continue reading to discover all that will be taking place during this school week and right here at ACS. ELA Essential question that the students will answer:   How are some schools different from each other? Target Skills:  Main Idea and Details, Text and Graphic Features, Analyze/Evaluate Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing Grammar Focus:  Quotation Marks Spelling Focus:  Vowel Digraphs ee, ea Review and Challenge Words:  eat,  read,  between, reason Math The students will continue to work on addition concepts utilizing our "Go Math" textbook. Please know that it's imperative that the students master...

Happy Veteran's Day!

Hello Second Grade Families, This Monday all of the ACS students and staff will be honoring all of those who have served our nation.  All of the ACS students will be taking part in a school wide "Flag Ceremony" at 8:45 am.    In the second grade classroom, we will also be learning about why we celebrateVeteran's Day and we will also discuss the different branches of the American military and how each branch works selflessly to defend and protect our American freedoms.  My Dad and my Uncle are both Army Veteran's and our family takes such pride in their service.  Thank you to all of our military Veterans and God bless the U.S.A.! ELA Essential question that the students will answer:   What are different ways to enjoy music? Target Skills:  Text and Graphic Features, Fact and Opinion, Questions Writing Focus:  Opinion Writing Grammar Focus:  Expanding and Rearranging Compound Sentences Spelling Focus:  Vowel Digraphs Review ...

Welcome to November!

Hello Second Grade Families, It's November!!!  Whew, last week was certainly a busy one.  We celebrated Halloween, All Saint's Day, Grandparent's Day, and our first trimester came to an end.  Before jumping into what will be taking place this week, I'd like to thank all of you for a wonderful birthday!  Your thoughtfulness and warm gestures truly warmed my heart.  Thank you for being a blessing.  Also, I'd like to thank our fabulous Second Grade Homeroom Moms for all of their efforts in making Halloween extra fun for the second graders.  Please know that your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.  This week, your students will be learning more about the lives of many saints who taught us what it means to be selfless.  Our lessons will include reserving time for the second graders to share within small groups the saint they researched and what they learned about their saint.   Please continue reading to discover everything that wil...